Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 197,257,326 Issue: 975 | 13th day of Sleeping, Y25
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword marshclan13_

Week - 957

NC News: Neopians Prepare for an Unprecedented Sale
by swordlilly
Description: "Crowds are gathered outside the NC Mall in preparation for an unprecedented 24-hour sale where every holiday-themed re-release capsule will be made available at once. "collab with marcthegr8est1 and marshclan13_

Week - 965

Darigan vs Meridell - A Colouring Page
by marshclan13_
Description: Colour your way to victory! collab with suzerz

Week - 972

5 Nights at Fyora's
by marshclan13_
Description: "I walked up the cobblestone path, through the gates, and approached the sparkling castle. The towers soared into the clouds, the evening light glinting off the windows. A passed a few stragglers leaving the castle as I approached..."

Week - 975

The Weewoo Who Couldn’t Write
by marshclan13_
Description: "All Weewoo’s write or draw for the Neopian Times. That is just how it is, how it has always been..."

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The Royal Thief Unbound
Being prepared isn’t everything...Collab with breakeven

by k3l26


Capitulations of the Fae
"'Alright, now, your parents should be here any moment.' The little Kacheek looked up to the light faerie guiding them..."

by gentle_lil_queen


Nine Hundred and Seventy-Five Hours
"Meekel doesn’t know why he starts counting again. He hasn’t counted the days since some time into his fifth year in Darigan Citadel’s dungeons as a prisoner of a war that ended..."

by crazyboutcute


A Hero's Journey: Seasons (for issue 975)
"Winter is not the end. It is the beginning of the beginning."

by precious_katuch14


A Plea For The Weewoo
"While White Weewoos are admired for their beautiful, pure feathers and the fact they’re utilized as mail carriers for the Neopian Times, other Weewoos are seen as little more than pests in many cases. This is an absolute shame, because all Weewoos are beautiful."

by kunabee_tiger

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