Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 197,281,224 Issue: 976 | 10th day of Awakening, Y25
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword emmacatty

Week - 234

Liff & Canf
by emmacatty
Description: Mmm...

Week - 256

Liff & Canf
by emmacatty
Description: Fire pets... glowing pets...

Week - 976

Liff & Canf: Seaworthy
by emmacatty
Description: Best not to look a gift Krawk in the mouth...!

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Deep Diving
"Your Neopian Safety Deposit Box is the deepest ocean in Neopia."

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Taking Flight
"When Mitchell 'Cookie' Laysan left Wisdom behind to operate the lighthouse, she was heartbroken..."

by parody_ham


Attempting the Kelp Avatar
"Hey, does anyone want to eat right now?"

by lunensis


A Hero's Journey: Seasons (for issue 975)
"Spring brings new hope, new joy, and new goals..."

by precious_katuch14


Idea Crisis - Sea
Obligatory beach episode. Collab with flaiyper

by black_kisa

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