Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 197,281,224 Issue: 976 | 10th day of Awakening, Y25
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Mordred the concertmaster

"The light was flashing. It was a brilliant white-blue colour that illuminated my room. I reached over..."

by cyber1ofkakoradesert
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"Taking Flight" by parody_ham
When Mitchell “Cookie” Laysan left Wisdom behind to operate the lighthouse, she was heartbroken. Yes, he had been of advanced age, but that hardly mattered when he was the Lenny she spent nearly 50 years with. Neopians from the nearest town, almost 25 miles away, built a monument in his honour. Nice words were spoken, hugs exchanged. Flower petals covered the monument and the words, “Take Flight in the Storm” ringed the bottom with an etching of a lifesaving boat. After a time, the townsfolk left. There were fish to catch, scallops to can, oysters to farm, and none of it was on a lonely island in the middle of the sea. Yet she persevered.

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Taking Flight
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