For an easier life Circulation: 197,281,224 Issue: 976 | 10th day of Awakening, Y25
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Continued Series

Geographical Guide to the Best Recipes in Every Land

"This week our two adventurers will be traversing Neopia’s highest peak, Terror Mountain."Collab with cutiepie4707

by doglover3662
A 975th Celebration Story: Who Want to be a Questor?

"Phineas was able to chat with the producer and extend the advertisements a few minutes longer to get their star cleaned up..." Collab with superkathiee

by honorrolle
The Royal Thief Unbound

Collab with breakeven

by k3l26
Wandering Stars

Qlydae Wegg's boyhood home had everything an Orange Grundo could want - including an extensive Armoury.

by pikapi20
A Hero's Journey: Seasons (for issue 975)

"Spring brings new hope, new joy, and new goals..."

by precious_katuch14
Search the Neopian Times


Voyage Into the Maraquan Circle

The world of Neopia is a planet with two frozen poles (the north pole being where Terror Mountain is; the south pole mostly untouched by Neopian society), a giant continent with various climates (where most of the Neopian lands are), and one vast ocean covering the rest of the surface with water and scattered islands. FUN FACT: Neopia’s global ocean has 5 seas: * The Northern Sea (surrounding the north pole continent which includes Terror Mountain & Tyrannia; Sometimes called the “Northern Ocean”) * The Southern Sea (surrounding most of the south pole & Lost Desert’s west side; Sometimes called the Southern Ocean”) * The Legendary Sea (the waters between Altador, Lutari Island, Moltara, & the islands around them) * The Sea of Mysteries (the waters spanning the main continent’s east side, Krawk Island, & Mystery Island)

Other Stories


Sirens....good or evil?
"Thousands of years ago, sirens were considered evil. Especially by pirates. But this little Draik has a different story..."Collab with rosemmary

by conveyance


Love of the Sea
"Kaluhe loved the sea. Ever since she was a tiny Gelert pup and was introduced to the ocean one summer day..."

by kougra_luver246


Fishing for Answers: Theories for Bedtime Pondering
"Have you ever had trouble falling asleep? Does your brain decide to obsess over something minor for hours, leaving you scratching your head for more answers after all that thinking?" Collab with junie_wei

by rurirawr


Voyage Into the Maraquan Circle
"The world of Neopia is a planet with two frozen poles (the north pole being where Terror Mountain is; the south pole mostly untouched by Neopian society), a giant continent with various climates (where most of the Neopian lands are), and one vast ocean covering the rest of the surface with water and scattered islands."

by pikachu315111


Maraquan Sea Cleanup
What are we going to find!

by applefaerie99


Neordle 10
Guess the 6-letter word! Collab with user sunbathr

by darkroast

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