Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 197,410,267 Issue: 980 | 7th day of Eating, Y25
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We found the following 7 result(s) for the keyword whitefriar

Week - 647

Concerning Smugglers: Part One
by kadface
Description: It's not easy being a smuggler. Even harder to join them.

Cowritten with whitefriar

Week - 648

Concerning Smugglers: Part Two
by kadface
Description: "Do you think he's still alive?"

"Maybe he be, maybe he be not. Let's check. Pass me that bucket."

Also by whitefriar

Week - 649

Concerning Smugglers: Part Three
by kadface
Description: There was a banging at the door. Kip opened his eyes groggily.

Also by whitefriar

Week - 650

Concerning Smugglers: Part Four
by kadface
Description: The Lost Sail was pitching and rolling. The waves, which had looked so harmless only ten days ago, were now peaking higher than the mast of the ship.

Also by whitefriar

Week - 653

Concerning Smugglers: Part Seven
by kadface
Description: As the scimitar descended, there was the sound of a sharply indrawn breath. Bert's. Then there was only silence.

Also by whitefriar

Week - 722

Desert Island Doldrums
by whitefriar

Also by jellybeanott

Week - 980

Vorgath's Hungry Puzzle
by whitefriar
Description: "Can you help hungry Volgoth find his bananas?"

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