teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 197,410,267 Issue: 980 | 7th day of Eating, Y25
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Mynci Business

by the_creator12345

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It ain't easy being a Neopet
Features some of the 2005 April Fool's pets that didn't get to become real like the Gnorbu

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10 Fun April Fools Pranks
"Hi there! I am Ren, also known as the Mistress of Mischief and the Commander of Chaos."

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How Rascally Are You?
"Have you ever wondered how you'd fare in the Cold, Mysterious World of Trading, where there are few persons you can trust?"

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Weathering the Bananza
"A small, sentient Shadow Cybunny plushie cheered from their perch between Gimmer’s Spotted Pteri feathers as Flower the Faerie Ixi examined the wheel items closely."

by gentle_lil_queen

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