Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 197,410,267 Issue: 980 | 7th day of Eating, Y25
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Jokes On You

by emaciate

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Great stories!


How Rascally Are You?
"Have you ever wondered how you'd fare in the Cold, Mysterious World of Trading, where there are few persons you can trust?"

by swordlilly


Mynci Business
Some things aren't important to remember

by the_creator12345


All in an April Fools Day work!
"A Biscuit Xweetok named Cookie asked as he sat with his friends on a Biscuit Chair in his Neolodge Room..."

by alvissofcaldia


Farewell, Mister Bananeopian
"The ain was pouring in grey sheets outside our living room window. Loisse and I had already made plans to visit the new Kadoatie café downtown, but..."

by precious_katuch14

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