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Return to White River

by hzoo_26


My dear friend Portia,

     I write to you this missive because it is of the utmost importance that you be on your guard. As the spymaster for Ursus, I have ears and eyes everywhere within our fair rodina, and even outside of it.

     Although Nicholai may chastise me for sharing this, he has been directing me to keep an open set of ears for news out of Meridell. I could postulate on the reason, but I think it is of less importance than what this directive has uncovered.

     This past week I received information from an informant in Brightvale. He had heard rumblings in the crime underworld about a planned raid of a village in Meridell. The description of the target appeared to be very similar to your town of White River.

      I do not know who has planned this attack, but whoever they are, they are powerful and threatening. The information I have included is all that could be found. Whoever is behind this has made sure that there is little to no talking.

      Be on the lookout, my friend. I fear greatly for how this could impact you. I do not want you to suffer heartbreak and loss again.

      Your comrade,

      Ivan Sokolov


      "Are you sure that the dress will be ready by next week, Enid? It seems a little complicated."

      "Aye, Miranda, I am sure. I know that it's hard for you to believe, but that sewing machine of mine saves me so much time."

      "It's a lot different now. When I was a young lass, ach, I had to sew my own clothes. We'd come into town to buy the material, and the trip lasted almost all day. Shaylin hated waiting on me."

      The discussion was cut short when the door opened with a thud. Portia swept in like a whirlwind, clutching her hat as leaves twirled in behind her.

      "Miranda, where is your husband?

     The White Pteri turned at the commanding voice, and was surprised to see the Mayor standing behind her. She adjusted her shawl around her shoulders, beaming.

     "Oh. Portia. Don't give me a fright like that, at my age, you never can tell what'll 'appen."

     "Now, Miranda. I need to know now. This is of utmost importance."

     Miranda Moore eyed the Halloween Ixi with a slight look of concern and then pointed towards the back of the shop. Portia strode towards the darkened section, sliding past displays and figurines that held Enid's creations. Her ears searched for tell-tale muttering.

      "She'd like this, although she'd say I was spending too much on 'er. Nor can I afford it now either. Maybe after I am promoted, Skarl'll see fit to pay a bit more."

      Portia stilled as she spied Shaylin Moore, looking at a handmade floral print dress. It looked similar to the kind that a young Meridellian lady would wear on an outing. He looked dejected as he held the price tag in his left wing. Although she was on a mission, she still couldn't help but feel sorry for the confused old Pteri, his mind lost in a fog that no lighthouse could penetrate.

      "Excuse me, Shaylin?" Portia asked, trying to keep her voice low.

      "Who's there? Oh. Hello! Did one of my fellow officers send you? Or do you work here?"He asked, turning towards her. His eyes appeared clouded, as if he was somewhere else.

      "No. No Shaylin, I don't work her-"

     "I want to buy this dress, you see, for this special young lassie. I met 'er during my last trip ashore. Prettiest Pteri you've ever seen, with lovely brown eyes, and lovely blonde hair. A fine singing voice on 'er too, ye know?"

     "Y-yes. I'm sure she's wonderful. Does she have a name?" Portia asked, trying to keep the emotion out of her voice.

     "Aye. Aye, she does. 'Er name's Miranda." He turned back towards the dress with a chuckle.

     Portia turned her head away for a second, trying not to be affected by the love she saw clearly shining in the old Pteri's eyes, undimmed by the passage of time. The problem was, she didn't need the lovesick young sailor that was standing before her. She needed the battle-hardened naval officer.

      With a sigh, Portia straightened her posture, drawing back to her full height. She puffed out her chest, drew in a breath...and shouted.


     The Pteri whirled around towards her, stiffening like a board. His right-wing raised to his head in a salute.

     "MA'AM, YES MA'AM!"

     "At ease. I am General Provoskia, of the Ursian Military. I have been tasked to work with your unit on a special mission to protect the civilians of the Meridell Coast. What is your rank?"

     "Lieutenant Commander, Ma'am." Shaylin barked.

     "Okay, Lieutenant Commander Moore, I am in dire need of your assistance in this matter. I trust that you are the Pteri for the job?"

     "Yes, Ma'am. But first, may I ask a question, ma'am?"

     "Proceed, Commander."

     "Why are you not in uniform, ma'am?"

      Portia chuckled.

      "Ah, yes sir. Very observant, just what I need from a neopian of your talents. I didn't want to scare the civilians. And if you must know, commander, this matter must be handled with discretion."

      "Understood, ma'am. Do you have your military ID, or any sort of papers on you?"

      "Sadly not sir, but I can prove I am a military officer. If you will allow me."

      Bending down slightly, Portia daintily lifted her flowing skirts, stopping them slightly above her ankles. Shining on her feet was a brightly polished pair of black boots. Old habits didn't die easily, and every day since leaving the military academy, she took the time to shine her shoes.

      Shaylin eyed her boots, then nodded.

      "What is the mission you have for me?"

      "I am in need of your tactical mind, in order to protect a civilian village on the coast. Although it is not under threat by sea, it is the job of the Meridellian Navy to protect, correct?"

      "Yes ma'am. How many men will I have to get the job done?"

      "That's the problem, Commander Moore. I have directives from the higher-ups to head towards North Meridell with my division. Your ship will escort me. However, we are in need of an officer to stay here and help the local population protect the town from an enemy threat."

      "Local population, ma'am?"

      "Farmers, craftsmen, the like. They need someone to help them fortify the town and prepare for the worst."

      "Okay ma'am, I will admit this is not my area of expertise."

      "It will be fine, Officer Moore. Now report to the city hall down the street posthaste. I will meet you there."

      "Ma'am, yes ma'am!"


     The door swung open with a crash, and the cold wind followed. Charrie tucked his hands deeper into his thin pockets, trying to keep his teeth from chattering.

     “Drink some more Kadvo, it will warm you up.” The innkeeper suggested, pouring Charrie another mixture of the fruit-flavoured beverage. Charrie nodded and slipped a few hundred more Neopoints out of his pocket to pay for it.

     “As they say elsewhere, on the house, da? You look done in. Not used to the cold of Ursus?”

     Charrie eyed the Green Yurble thoughtfully, taking in his dark bushy eyebrows and beard, and the layers of patched clothing that hung on his short frame.

     “No. No. Haunted Woods born and raised, and then Meridell after that. I’ve not been to Ursus enough to get used to the cold.” He replied.

     “Oh, Meridell. That’s a long ways from here. Across the Altadorian Mountains, through the Great Neopian Plains, and through Brightvale. But then again, I suppose you don’t get much snow in White River…”

     “What?” Charrie asked, taken aback.

     The Yurble smiled, then leaned closer.

     “I’m a…acquaintance of Portia’s, you could say. I’ve known her since she first joined the academy. Although you and I share another acquaintance, Mr. Riddle. One who wonders what you are doing in his realm, instead of back at White River.”

     Charrie took a long swig of his kadvo, emptying it. He let the wooden tankard hit the counter with a thud.

     “I assume that Nikolai would prefer that I meet with him to discuss the matter.”

     “If you please.”

     “And if I refuse?”

     “Nobody has made the mistake of refusing the Tsar and been able to tell a tale afterwards. So I suggest that you come with us. After all, Portia would be ashamed if you came back to White River looking less dashing than when you left.”


     Portia started talking as soon as the unofficial town council started.

     "I don't have the time for formalities, so Miranda, you can catch up on the minutes later. But the town is under threat from a local Thieves guild. As I'm sure you have heard through the town's gossip chain, my office was ransacked, and an attempt to extort money was made."

     A few collective gasps rang out from around the table.

     "I don't have time to discuss the nature of the threat, except to say it is very real, and imminent. I have received intelligence from one of my former friends in the Ursian Military that a raid is planned, and he believes it is planned to happen here in White River."

      She scanned the room, eying the worried faces of her friends and fellow citizens.

      "On top of these matters, I desperately need to leave to North Meridell. I believe I can find some assistance there that can help us remove this threat for good. However, while I am gone the town will be left without leadership. And that is the purpose of this meeting."

      "Just what do you PROPOSE to do Mayor?" Leanna O’Fallon interjected.

      "I was just getting to that Leanna, I assure you. Officer Moore will be in charge while I am away. Miranda will be his second in command. They will help prepare the town for the impending raid, in case it occurs before I can get our reinforcements."

      "WAIT A SECOND!"

     "You mean to TELL ME you're going to trust that old bir-"

     "She must be losing her mind..."

     Portia decided to use her favourite tactic for silencing a room of arguing Meridellians. She began to yell angrily in her native tongue. Compared to the lilting and rolling sounds of the Meridellian accent, her harsh native language and accent conveyed a stern front that could not be ignored. Of course, she didn’t really insult them, in reality, she was listing items from her last grocery list in an angry manner. None of them needed to know that though.

     After she had reached the portion of her list with asparagus on it, she decided to stop.

     “Have I made myself clear?”

     “P-p-perfectly.” Leanna replied.

     “I have full faith in Shaylin’s abilities. I ask that if you do not, you have faith in mine. I never leave those under me without a good commander.”

     “But what if he becomes confused again?” Miranda asked, her eyes betraying her worry for her husband.

     “The best way to prevent that is to try to keep him in a military mindset. Do not refer to him as Shaylin. Commander Moore, or Officer Moore only. I know it might be hard for you Miranda, but it’s for the best of us all. I cannot feel good about leaving you all here with myself gone and…” Portia couldn’t finish the sentence as much as she tried.

     Leanna strode over and placed one of her wings on Portia’s shoulder.

     “We know that Charrie being gone has been hard for you, lassie. But I know that if he knew what was going on, he’d be incredibly proud.”

     “Thank you, Leanna. That means a lot to me.”

To be continued…

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