Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 197,506,696 Issue: 987 | 14th day of Swimming, Y25
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Short Stories

Spirit of the Game

"Neopia was buzzing with the news. Altador had rejoined the rest of Neopia after 1,000 years and now, King Altador had announced that the Altador Cup would be reinstated that summer..."

by 77thbigby
Cassile's Kindness Adventure

Cassile decides to spread some kindness in her neighborhood and beyond

by celinedgd
Xer and Crox

"Xer crouched low on his branch, and looked down. His favorite spot to be was hiding between the leaves in the Money Tree..."

by w4lly
A Mother's Love, Then and Now

"The typewriter is probably my favourite invention, but I wish it would also write my story for me..."

by precious_katuch14
Sibling Summit

"Jeran watched the carriage clatter along the cobbled road until it disappeared over the horizon. As the last vestige of it disappeared..."

by parody_ham
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More than Six Faerie Elements: A Theory By Prof Oak

We are taught there are six elements in Neopia: Air, Water, Earth, Fire, Light, and Dark. We are taught that if a Pet has an affinity for magic, it will fall into one or more of these six elements. We are told that a Pet’s affinity for magic can be influenced by its colour. And yet, we have Paintbrushes that don’t fall into the Six Elements and at least eleven Faeries that don’t seem to fall into these Six Elements either. So what does this mean? If all Faeries must be representative of an element of magic, then there must be more elements than just the main six! My friend, Nick Neopia, has encouraged me to post this theory, and so post it I shall! To keep in mind, all Paintbrush colours are possible from a combination (or deficit) of the different elements, but not all elements are representative in a colour. Fyora - Faerie Queen - (unavailable for comment) Let’s start with the queen of all Faeries, Fyora, who represents Royalty. Now what does Royalty mean? A Pet can be born Royal, but they can also be painted or zapped Royal. When they are made Royal, a fancy new outfit appears and this seems to be the main feature of a Royal Pet. With this knowledge, it is my hypothesis that every colour that grants clothes or extra features has a tiny sliver of Royalty.

Other Stories


Where can I find a Red Pteri Plushie?
It has come to this author's attention that there has been a significant oversight by the shopkeeper at the Plushie Palace. Plushie collectors who strive to keep their gallery in impeccable order, have noticed that there is rather obvious plushie missing from their collections.

by hunni_bun_137


Out of the Blue: A Colourful Acara Guide
Close your eyes, picture an Acara. Focus on the colour and the gender. You have probably imagined it as a female blue Acara, right? And this is not random.

by bernardosz


Mae's Mysteries: The Case of the Missing Necklace
"They were nestled together under Kacia's Bright Skies Umbrella, safely shielded from the rain that was pouring steadily down from the evening sky..."

by satintiger


The Daily Life of a Grey Kacheek
"The rain beat a quiet rhythm against Olivia’s windowpane as she woke slowly from her dreams..."

by chesschocolate


Beach Blues
The sun may be hot, but the vibes are lukewarm at best.

by kuroneko_kitty


Turn and Return - Pt. 9
you fool.

by hamster_z

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