Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 197,506,696 Issue: 987 | 14th day of Swimming, Y25
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More than Six Faerie Elements: A Theory By Prof Oak

This article is meant to be read as a humeorus theory article written by one of my pets. Not to be taken seriously.

by meblackittymage13
Embracing the Sea's Bounty: An Interview with COFL

For the first time ever, the Neopian Times presents an exclusive interview with a representative from the Confederation of Fish Lovers (better known as COFL), a mysterious organization that advocates for fish consumption at every meal.

by cuchatenador
Where can I find a Red Pteri Plushie?

It has come to this author's attention that there has been a significant oversight by the shopkeeper at the Plushie Palace. Plushie collectors who strive to keep their gallery in impeccable order, have noticed that there is rather obvious plushie missing from their collections.

by hunni_bun_137
Notable Neopians: Twillie (twillieblossom)

Hello and welcome to Notable Neopians! I’m greykadoatie and in this issue we are shining the spotlight on one of Neopia’s most prolific authors and artists: Twillie (twillieblossom) the creator of Blossoms, a comic series that’s been in publication since Issue 560.

by greykadoatie
Out of the Blue: A Colourful Acara Guide

Close your eyes, picture an Acara. Focus on the colour and the gender. You have probably imagined it as a female blue Acara, right? And this is not random.

by bernardosz
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"Xer and Crox" by
Xer crouched low on his branch, and looked down. His favorite spot to be was hiding between the leaves in the Money Tree where he could watch everything that was going on in Neopia Central. He had been spending more and more time up there as of late as he had been searching for something. “Oh Crox, maybe we should just give up.” Xer whispered. Clutched between his paws was a well-loved Alien Aisha Plushie. “I really wanted Alien Aisha Ears like you, too!” Xer sniffled, and pulled Crox in for a hug. He buried his face into its head, and cried softly into the fabric. “What are you doing?” The sudden voice startled Xer out of his tears, and looked up to see a Baby Acara looking directly up at him from the ground below. “I don’t think you’re allowed up there. The ghosts will be mad. And don’t even get me started on the Money Tree…” The Acara let his words trail off, but he smiled. It didn’t quite reach his eyes, but he seemed amused. Then, without warning, he began to climb the tree. He was sitting beside Xer so quickly he didn’t even have time to react to what was going on. Someone had seen him? “So, what are you doing?” The Baby Acara asked again. He stared at Xer, waiting for his answer. Xer stared back. The Acara had a large purple bow around his neck, and was carrying what looked to be a tombstone. A sword was secured to his back by some string. “Um, I… I’m not doing anything!” Flustered, Xer looked away. He pulled Crox in for a hug. “Go away.” “That’s rude.” The Acara laughed. “Hey, that’s a cool toy! Can I see it?” He reached out for Crox, but Xer pulled to the side.

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Sibling Summit
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The Daily Life of a Grey Kacheek
"The rain beat a quiet rhythm against Olivia’s windowpane as she woke slowly from her dreams..."

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Mae's Mysteries: The Case of the Missing Necklace
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N1GHTM4R3: Strength of a Guardian p2 (Doubt)
Do you think you're worth such a position?! (part 2 out of 4)

by shellshocks


Having a meltdown
A warm and cozy... WHAT?!

by keruza

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