A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 197,695,101 Issue: 998 | 15th day of Celebrating, Y25
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Delicious Snowy Treats This Holiday Season!

by _brainchild_


---Starring Lerlifia the Chocolate Draik, Lervilia the Candy Draik, Sellescha the Pastel Kacheek, and Christine, their owner!---

          Christine: Welcome! As the holiday season is right around the corner, many Neopians are wondering what festive treats are in store for them. Fear not, since the Super Happy Icy Fun Snow Shop atop Terror Mountain has plenty of lovely foods for everyone to enjoy.

     Sellescha: Are there any vegan options?

     Christine: Yes, all ice creams sold at the shop can be requested in either dairy or vegan versions.

     Sellescha: Really? That’s great!

     Lerli: I don’t know why you care, Sellescha.

     Lervi: Very true. Hopefully the shop has some delicious animals for us to eat!

     Sellescha: ---scowls---

     Christine: Thankfully, the shop can accommodate all kinds of diets. Without further ado, here are the foods:

          ---Cake Batter Ice Lolly---


          Christine: All your favourite things about a cake are now inside an ice lolly!

     Lerli: I hear that this is an ice cream cake lolly. ---bites into it--- Indeed it is. Delicious! It tastes just like a birthday cake.

     Lervi: ---snatches a piece with her bare claws--- Hey, what about me? ---stuffs food into mouth--- Yummy!

     Lerli: Lervi, you’re eating like an Ownow!

     Lervi: I don’t caaaarrrreeee! ---sticks tongue out---

     Sellescha: Anyway... ---bites into ice lolly--- Not bad. I love the sprinkles!

     Christine: Birthday cake enthusiasts across Neopia will enjoy this lolly, that’s for sure.

          ---Crabula Ice Cream---


     Christine: You have to be careful when you eat this! It might pinch you.

     Lerli: Nonsense. It’s probably dead!

          ---Lerli takes a big bite out of the ice cream, only to be pinched in the nose by the Crabula.---

          Lerli: OWWWWW!!! Someone help me! It won’t let go!

     Lervi: That’s what you get for putting a crab near your face, you imbecile.

     Sellescha: ---pulls the crab off of Lerli’s face--- It looks like we’ll have to rehome this little guy. ---puts the Crabula in a bowl of water---

     Lervi: Anyway, how does the ice cream taste?

     Lerli: Like cherries.

     Lervi: ---steals half--- Not bad.

     Sellescha: Anyway, I’d rather not try an ice cream which has Crabula germs all over it. Not exactly vegan anyway...

          ---Hamarama Ice Lolly---


          Christine: Perfect for the carnivore that needs cooling down after a hard day in the Battledome.

     Sellescha: I will pass... Eating animals is cruel!

     Christine: Then try this fake meat version. ---hands Sellescha an ice lolly---

     Sellescha: ---eats lolly--- Meh... Kinda bland.

     Lerli: Well, duh, Sellescha. It’s not the real deal! ---bites into meat lolly--- Yum! What a delicious animal.

     Sellescha: Now you’re just trying to taunt me!

     Lervi: ---breaks off a piece of the meat lolly and eats it--- Amazing! I think this is ham.

     Lerli: Well, duh. It’s a Hamarama Ice Lolly, you genius.

     Sellescha: Is there anything else we can eat?

     Christine: Of course there is! Coming up next is the Meriberry Shaved Ice.

          ---Meriberry Shaved Ice---


          Christine: This dessert comes in two flavours: cherry and blue raspberry. It’s not something I would like, so you all can try it.

     Lerli: ---chomps into slush--- Not bad for sugar water.

     Lervi: I know, right? That’s all it is. Slush plush a squirt of coloured sugar additive. ---chomps into slush--- Nice for artificial fruit. ---wolfs down the rest---

     Sellescha: Hey, what about me? There’s none left.

     Lervi: Like I care. Get your own!

     Lerli: ---cackles---

     Sellescha: ---scowls--- You two are incredibly rude and selfish!

     Christine: Lerli and Lervi, please be more considerate in the future.

          ---Skeith Ice Cream Cake--


          Christine: It’s a big cake, but a Skeith can eat it whole in one bite!

     Sellescha: Well, we’re not Skeiths. There should be enough to share this time. ---scowls---

     Christine: Don’t worry, Sellescha. Here is your vegan slice.

     Sellescha: Thank you! ---eats cake--- Lots of layers of frosting... which is far too sweet, unfortunately.

     Lerli: ---bites into dairy slice--- Well, mine is perfect. The frosting is so fluffy!

     Lervi: ---eats dairy slice--- Very yummy. Either the vegan version is gross, or Sellescha needs her taste buds examined.

     Lerli: Probably the former. Vegan alternatives are trash!

     Sellescha: Not really...

     Lerli: You wouldn’t know, since you don’t eat anything else, you imbecile!

     Sellescha: ---sighs---

     Christine: Lerli, please don’t be rude to your sister.

          ---Sparkling Berry Ice Cream---


          Christine: This delicious ice cream is made from sparkling berry cider. Thankfully not apple cider, which is gross.

     Lerli: Well, you need your taste buds examined, then! ---bites into ice cream--- Meh, I think this is too watered-down.

     Lervi: ---tries the ice cream--- Very true. I can barely taste the berry!

     Sellescha: ---takes a bite--- Not bad. Very fruity!

     Lerli: Not bad for someone who eats vegan alternatives all the time!

     Lervi: You’re right. I would take REAL ICE CREAM over some soy milk concoction any day...

          ---Upside Down Smiley Cone---


          Christine: This happy treat will turn your Neopet’s frown upside down.

     Lerli: Oh, really? Let me try. ---bites into ice cream--- I taste vanilla, frosting, a chocolate cone, and coloured candies. Not a bad creation.

     Lervi: ---tries ice cream--- Meh, the vanilla is a little bland for me.

     Sellescha: ---takes a bite--- This certainly does turn my frown upside down! Very rich.

     Lervi: You really DO need your taste buds examined, then... I’d pick off the candy and call it a day.

     Sellescha: Well, then I’ll eat the rest. It’s important not to be wasteful!


          Christine: So, which item was everyone’s favourite?

     Lerli: Anything but the Crabula Ice Cream!

     Lervi: It wasn’t that bad for those smart enough to not put a Crabula near their face. Anyway, my favourite was the Hamarama Ice Lolly!

     Sellescha: ---scowls---

     Lervi: ---grins---

     Sellescha: My favourite was the Upside Down Smiley Cone! It was very tasty, and also very creative.

     Lerli: No one cares.

     Sellescha: You are so incredibly rude!

     Christine: Lerli, please be nice to your sister. Anyway, this holiday season, the Super Happy Icy Fun Snow Shop has the perfect treat for everyone. Have a great holiday, dear readers!

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