Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 197,695,101 Issue: 998 | 15th day of Celebrating, Y25
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Delicious Snowy Treats This Holiday Season!

Starring Lerlifia the Chocolate Draik, Lervilia the Candy Draik, Sellescha the Pastel Kacheek, and Christine, their owner!

by _brainchild_
The Perfect White Elephant Gifts Throughout Neopia

With the holidays upon us we are all in full swing of gift buying. You might even be lucky enough to attend a White Elephant gifting party!

by tamimarieb
Holiday Food-Fighting on a Budget

Near the beginning of this year's Advent Calendar, peas — or rather, chaos — could be felt throughout Neopia.

by swordlilly
Top 10 Best & Worst Christmas Gifts For Your Neopet

With the festive season hot on our heels, it's time to jingle some bells, deck the halls, and do some all-important Christmas shopping. To help you make the right financial decisions this year, we've compiled a list of the best and worst gifts available on the market.

by liesl_1997_11
A Gourmet's Guide to Borovan

“Aseillus here, your Junior-Gourmet-in-Training with another interview from one of Neopia’s top food connoisseurs!

by hutaride
Pebble, You Rock!!

There is nothing Neopians love more than the surprises that arise from the Advent Calendar each year during the Month of Celebrating.

by jackie247
How Not to Attach the Pebble: A Guide from Experience

The Advent Calendar is one of the most anticipated events in Neopia. This year Neopians knew Day 7 would be special.

by becauseofreasons
12 Books To Read Your Baby Neopet This Holiday Season

Brought to by the Neopian Book Award Association. The holiday season is upon us, and there is no better gift for your Baby Neopet than the gift of knowledge.

by spitfyre_momma
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12 Books To Read Your Baby Neopet This Holiday Season

Brought to by the Neopian Book Award Association The holiday season is upon us, and there is no better gift for your Baby Neopet than the gift of knowledge. Science shows that it’s never too early to start reading--in fact, Neopets who have their owners read to them at an early age have a stronger vocabulary in their early years and go on to have a higher intelligence later on in life. Many Brightvale scholars link their love of learning to reading books in their earliest years. We at the Neopian Book Award Association have compiled a list of age-appropriate books for our youngest readers. We made sure to cover a variety of age groups, represent as many species as possible, and have a mix of stories with books aimed at learning and promoting growth. We also took price into consideration and omitted any titles with values over 500,000. “My hope is to inspire a new generation of Neopets to fall in love with reading,” says Armin Beaucoup, Neopian Book Association President. “Books introduce us to new people, new places, and new ideas. They broaden our horizons and teach us things we would not otherwise imagine. Baby Neopets have minds akin to blank canvas. How they take shape depends on how we paint them. Reading is the best way to cultivate a deep, rich, and expressive canvas with our Babies. It's with this in mind that we present our recommendations.” 1. Kyrii ABCs Also see: Scorchio ABCs Just like Neopets need to crawl before they can walk, Neopets also need to learn

Other Stories


The Emerald Deep
"Snow. How quaint a sight. How it glows in the light of the full moon. In my arms, a bundle of blankets stirs and a little face, that of a..."

by parody_ham


Many A Reason For The Season
"This time of year has many a meaning to all. So do the other holidays. I sit here with my hopes and dreams furthering into the New Year. I have so many people who mean the world to me. As my Green Xweetok hands type this out, I cannot help but feel my heart fill up with love..."

by harvestmoon66


The Sleepers of Saint Garfir
"The trees grew so densely together that all signs of Saint Garfir had long vanished behind them. The ginger plant was a compass in Miphie’s hand. Roots entwined with..."

by josephinefarine


Knight & Squire: Preface
"Rowan’s arms popped as he stretched them above his head. He let out a huge yawn, not caring that he looked like a horrified Quiggle. He slumped on the wooden bench he was sitting on..."

by terpsichorean_writer


A Happy New Year to Neopia
We'll take a cup of kindness yet. Collab with luc187

by kuroneko_kitty


Size Doesn't Matter
Well, adventuring during the night IS dangerous...

by saviorsephirot

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