The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 197,695,101 Issue: 998 | 15th day of Celebrating, Y25
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Many A Reason For The Season

by harvestmoon66


This time of year has many a meaning to all. So do the other holidays. I sit here with my hopes and dreams furthering into the New Year. I have so many people who mean the world to me. As my Green Xweetok hands type this out, I cannot help but feel my heart fill up with love.


     Here are some of the reasons I’m grateful and blessed for this holiday season.



     My dear friend and mate Sirius. You spark joy, laughter, hope, and love in my life. I wasn’t always a good person before I met you. Now verging on the eight years we’ve been together, I couldn’t be happier and prouder. You taught me a lot. I hope you know how deep this love runs.


     Along with my other good mates, who are kind and sweet. I’m happy to know those connections.



     My mother, who has been by my side and seen me for who I am, I’m ever so grateful. You were the first thing I’d wake up and look forward to seeing when I was young and small. I know, based on my condition, I didn’t always make life easier. But you and I have a great bond. From happy laughs to tearful times, I’m glad you’re in my corner. Thank you for letting me be me, paw flapping and all.


     This piece wouldn’t be complete without mentioning people who are with us in soul. You all mean the world to me and will never be forgotten. I will always find traces somewhere of you.



     I wipe a few small tears as my emotions add up. I think of the joy, love, and care I have received. Oh, how happy I am. I think of the other people in my life, whom I’m pleased to call my found family. My paws flap with anticipation as I continue to write.




     Lyric, you’re a kind and awesome person. You know how to cheer me up when I am down. You’ve been there for me and I there for you. You’ll get right where you need to be.


     Emma, I’ve known you the longest. You and I have crafted story after story together and many great characters. You see the best in the world, and I have learned from you. May we always write.


     I couldn’t forget Mindy. You are a beautiful and intelligent person. Thank you for all the help you provided and the encouragement you have given. You’re a bright spot in my day.


     Also, Dews, you get me and are basically like a sister. We’ve been through thick and thin. You light my way and are just so kind and wonderful. I’m blessed to know you too.




     While I sit and figure out how to end this, I hear the doorbell ringing. Our Petpets race and cause a ruckus as one of my closest childhood friends stops by with her daughter. I pause my writing and envelope them in a hug. Sirius brings out his favourite Christmas cookies he likes to make, and we all sit down to chat. The snow falls gently outside.



     When the guests go home and Sirius is on his gaming device, I head back over to finish up my piece.


     I type in the last part, with my fingers flying over the keyboard.



     My life is filled to the brim with great and warm people. Even if I can’t write everything and everyone in, I’m just so happy I am this fulfilled with love and care. Thank you for all that you guys do. I’m forever glad for friends and loved ones who touched my life in so many ways.


     I hope you all will have this luck and fortune too. May we never be too lonely, bitter, or broken. I hope you’ll all be okay; I truly do.



     With bleary eyes, I save my work and head to bed. I drift slowly off to sleep. In my dreams, I see a shooting star and I cry out, its beauty reaching the edges of my soul. As the light becomes blinding, I swear I hear a voice with a small whisper of


     “You’re a good person. I hope you’ll never forget. Keep burning bright.”


     I awaken, my heartbeat high and pounding. Sirius wakes up too. I smile, giving his paw a gentle squeeze. The red lupe smiles and we slowly wake up.


     I lean in and say: “Merry Holidays.”



     The snow blankets the grounds of our Meridell home. Sweet bird song can be heard as the sun begins to rise. Presents, cards, and wrapping paper galore decorate our home this morning. I hear a ring from my computer, and I smile. It’s season’s greetings from everyone.


     Sirius comes up behind and reads along with me. Our hearts are full and so soon will our stomachs. Breakfast is the next thing to do.


     While we marvel over the nice messages, I hear someone knock at our door. I rush to open it, and there is my mother. Her Red Xweetok mane is curling as she shivers in the cold. We rush her in and have a nice chat whilst Swift makes breakfast.


     I give her a quick hug. Sue smiled and handed me a copy of my story.


     “I really enjoyed this. You are a good writer,” my mom says and pats my paw.


     “I almost forgot I sent this! “ I say with a laugh.


     She hands me a keychain too, with a silver meteorite. I gaze down at it and gasp. This reminds me of my shooting star.


     I close it in my fist and hold it to my heart.


     “Where did this come from?”


     My mom gives me a confused look.


     “It was on your front doorsteps. I thought you may have lost a key chain.”


     I just nod and feel the little bumps of the piece. Sirius calls us to breakfast and as I’m getting up, I swear I hear:


     “You’re welcome.”


     I feel a warm feeling in my heart, and I whisper my thanks.



     While the new year is around the corner, we let out happy shouts and blew our horns. I will bask in this beautiful time and grow. I think about everything and everyone who’s led up and shown up for this year. May we all be kind and merry for many years.


     The fire illuminates my figure and I squeak in glee, my paws flapping freely. I catch my reflection and I give it a smile.


     It will be grand.


     I hear bells softly ringing as celebrations are heard throughout the neighbourhood.


     I am wonderful, grand, beautiful, and whole.


     Lights glisten at the corner of my eyes and I let loose a happy laugh. Sirius wraps me up with a hug and we dance to music only we can hear.


     Time both slows and stops. In this moment, I hope it’ll never end.



     Happy holidays to all!


     This was a little story I wanted to write. Names have been changed but what I said to each person is all true. I hope you all find your peace and people in life.


     From one Neopian to another, I hope nothing but the best this year.

     The End.

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