The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 197,695,101 Issue: 998 | 15th day of Celebrating, Y25
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A Gift From the Dung Faerie

What could it be?

by treeword
How to Make a Snow Angel

Collab with rascle90

by roxanna203
Two Types of Giving

Day of Giving shenanigans

by chocokelle
The Fright Side: Holiday Dinner

So that's what ghosts eat!

by halloween_luck

Be careful when you open your presents...

by tatyanne
A Happy New Year to Neopia

We'll take a cup of kindness yet. Collab with luc187

by kuroneko_kitty
The Happiest Month!

No scary MASSIVE icy blasts for a whole month!

by valokki
Is This Enough?

A little bit of seasonal fun!

by betti666
Xac and Fuzo: The Best Gift

All I want for Christmas is you...

by shellshocks
Faellie Tales 17: Fireworks

Happy holidays and happy New Year!

by coco6468
Maraquan Christmas

What's glowing down there?

by leighlizzzie
Christmas With My Rocks

Happy Holidays!

by logical_loophole
Christmas Brucicle

It's Christmas!

by twinkle_jazz
Sweet Treats!

Happy Hannukah! Collab with i_lovee_icecream

by truebrony
Glory Days: Icy Reception

...How unfortunate.

by darkpassage
Art Bites: Comic Basics

Learn how to setup your Comic files for submitting to the Neopian Times.

by keng200
Perfect in All Ways

Truly perfect in every way.

by pikamoca
The Floating Islanders - Stopping Starlight

Perhaps Orion is onto something after all. Happy Holidays!

by yankeesrule244444456

Santa? Aren't you kind of old for that?

by twillieblossom
Snow for the Holidays

Happy Holidays, whatever the weather may be!

by flames_unleashed
Size Doesn't Matter

Well, adventuring during the night IS dangerous...

by saviorsephirot
Holiday Item Search

Can you find all the cool Neopets items in this cozy holiday picture? Collab with siellan

by prulletje1852
The Modern Day JubJub's Holiday Wish

Wow! Santa really can grant any wish!

by puffy333_revived
Royal Pain: The Snowager

No avatar chance during the month of Celebrating .. unless?

by winner19955
Don't Set Your Tree Up On a Mountain Slope

Just don't do it...

by lunensis
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"I'll Be Home for Christmas" by citybound
To the returning owners of Neopia, and the pets who waited. ~~~ Pyland winced at the surprisingly bright morning light reflecting off the fresh dusting snow as he padded out into the garden of his family’s Neohome. As his eyes adjusted, he noticed his sister perched on the bench, having returned from her pre-dawn Battledome training session at the Mystery Island Training School. “Mornin’, Lenz. Looks like we got our first snow of the season.” The Draik’s voice briefly stirred Lenzi from her sunrise trance. She vaguely nodded in her brother’s direction before returning her glassy stare back out to the glistening forest surrounding the Faerieland Crater and the snow-capped towers of Faerie City beyond. She took a long sip of her warm mug of borovan and patted the open seat beside her. Pyland slumped onto the other half of the Xweetok’s bench, careful to not accidentally pin her gossamer wings under his spiny tail or knock over her rusty training sword. The pair sat in a brief moment of melancholy. Their breath crystalized before them in the crisp air. Eventually, Lenzi spoke. “It’s the First of Celebrating. Advent Calendar starts today.” She sighed. “Leah always loved this time of year. Did you know she almost painted me Christmas once? She worked dozens of shifts at the Igloo Garage Sale trying to...

Other Stories


A Brynnso Christmas 10-Year Anniversary Special!
"After their contractually obligated off-year, Hanso and Brynn return to the stage in the Hidden Tower, where Christmas-themed plays are considered a staple around this time of year."

by rielcz


Reina's Hijinks: The Story of the Advent Calendar
"Pae the Purple Peophin announced happily to her fellow companion Cherry the Biscuit Chia. The two met up at Terror Mountain to collect their prizes together..."

by chemical_nova


12 Books To Read Your Baby Neopet This Holiday Season
Brought to by the Neopian Book Award Association. The holiday season is upon us, and there is no better gift for your Baby Neopet than the gift of knowledge.

by spitfyre_momma


How Not to Attach the Pebble: A Guide from Experience
The Advent Calendar is one of the most anticipated events in Neopia. This year Neopians knew Day 7 would be special.

by becauseofreasons


Knight & Squire: Preface
"Rowan’s arms popped as he stretched them above his head. He let out a huge yawn, not caring that he looked like a horrified Quiggle. He slumped on the wooden bench he was sitting on..."

by terpsichorean_writer


The Box from 10,000 Years Ago
"Everyone fighting in Faerieland under the blizzard gets an unexpected pause as they witness the strong glow that pierces the clouds, accompanied by..."

by chantili_doce

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