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12 Books To Read Your Baby Neopet This Holiday Season

by spitfyre_momma


Brought to by the Neopian Book Award Association

     The holiday season is upon us, and there is no better gift for your Baby Neopet than the gift of knowledge. Science shows that it’s never too early to start reading--in fact, Neopets who have their owners read to them at an early age have a stronger vocabulary in their early years and go on to have a higher intelligence later on in life. Many Brightvale scholars link their love of learning to reading books in their earliest years.

     We at the Neopian Book Award Association have compiled a list of age-appropriate books for our youngest readers. We made sure to cover a variety of age groups, represent as many species as possible, and have a mix of stories with books aimed at learning and promoting growth. We also took price into consideration and omitted any titles with values over 500,000.

     “My hope is to inspire a new generation of Neopets to fall in love with reading,” says Armin Beaucoup, Neopian Book Association President. “Books introduce us to new people, new places, and new ideas. They broaden our horizons and teach us things we would not otherwise imagine.

     Baby Neopets have minds akin to blank canvas. How they take shape depends on how we paint them. Reading is the best way to cultivate a deep, rich, and expressive canvas with our Babies. It's with this in mind that we present our recommendations.”

     1. Kyrii ABCs

     Also see: Scorchio ABCs

     Just like Neopets need to crawl before they can walk, Neopets also need to learn their letters before they can read! There is no better first book than an introduction to the alphabet. The Kyrii featured in the book will help your Neopet learn their ABCs. We recommend singing the alphabet while reading along.

     2. Counting Babaas

     While not specifically a children's book, Neopets love to count the Babaas that appear on each of the illustrated pages. For the youngest of Neopets, this is a good introduction to numbers. As your Pet gets older, this helps reinforce how to count in a fun way.

     3. Faerie Kadoatie Touch-N-Feel Book

     Also see: Faerie Krawk Touch-N-Feel Book, Faerie Rock Touch-N-Feel Book, Faerie Vacana Touch-N-Feel Book

     Infant Neopets love to grab at this book because each page contains several different textures to explore. Although this book doesn’t contain any words, it’s a great way to stimulate your Neopet’s senses and encourage them to participate while reading.

     If Kadoaties aren't your thing, the same publisher has published similar books with different themes. Collecting them all is a fun way to keep your Neopets from becoming bored.

     4. My First Slorg Book

     This bright and colourful book contains many illustrations of Slorgs, along with numbers scattered across each page. As your Neopet flips through the pages, be sure to name the color of each Slorg along with how many there are.

     5. Baby Ruki Board Book

     Traditional books can be easy for young Neopets to damage unintentionally. Board books, however, are made of sturdier stuff. These thick wooden pages are easy for Babies to grab with small hands or paws and hold up to a variety of well-intentioned abuse. This one contains follows a Baby Ruki as he explores different environments: a forest, a beach, a city, and a house.

     6. Sun Pop-Up Book

     See also: Baby Gelert Pop-Up Book, Chomby Pop-Up Book, Feepit Pop-Up Book, Gruslen Pop-Up Book, Half Moon Pop-Up Book, Ixi Pop-Up Book, JubJub Pop-Up Book, Kiko Pop-Up Book, Maraquan Pop-Up Book, Moon Pop-Up Book, Mystery Island Pop-Up Book, Pop-Up Skeith, Pop-Up Zafara Book, Striped Elephante Pop-Up Book, Volcano Pop-up Book

     There is no shortage of pop-up books to choose from in Neopia! These popular titles delight young readers with illustrations that literally jump off the page. Feel free to choose one or more based on your Neopet’s interests.

     We're recommending Sun Pop-Up Book after falling in love with its bright bold imagery depicting a sun moving across the sky. After reading this with your Neopet, try pointing out the sun and sky outside to create connections between the book and the real world.

     If you missed out on receiving this from the Advent Calendar in Y15, you may find it difficult to procure a copy. Our pick for a more accessible and affordable alternative is Pop-Up Zafara Book.

     7. Faerie Music Sing-Along

     See also: Kreludan Christmas Carols

     This book contains several songs for your young Pet to enjoy. It even sings along! That’s the magic of Faerieland for you. For older Pets, singing along while looking at the words helps build reading ability and vocabulary. Each song is short and catchy. You may find yourself whistling along even when you're not reading!

     8. Baby JubJub Cloth Book

     Like board books, cloth books are virtually Baby-proof and allow your child to interact with the book without accidentally harming it. The soft pages entice small paws to grab and squeeze. Fun fact: this book totes being “the first ever child-friendly book” in all of Neopia!

     9. Maraquan Bed Time Stories

     See also: Kreludan Bed Time Stories, Kougra Tales, Wocky Lullaby

     Try lulling your Neopet to sleep with these fun stories. Each is lighthearted and simple, enough to put a smile on your Pet’s face without making them overexcited--perfect for nighttime. We highly recommend incorporating daily reading into your routine with your Neopet, and bedtime is the perfect opportunity.

     10. Blumaroo Picture Book

     See also: Baby Shoyru Book, Buzz for Infants

     This easy-to-read book contains beautiful colour illustrations featuring Blumaroos. For added fun, read this book before or after taking your Neopet to Roo Island. Seeing the Blumaroos in person will draw a connection between what’s shown in the book and what your Neopet sees in real life.

     11. Baby Bundle Fairytales

     There’s a good chance this book is already sitting on your bookshelf, as it was given out by the Advent Calendar in Year 20! Revel with your Neopet as you read all about Psellia’s Plight, Dr. Sloth and the Takeover of Neopia, The Curse of Maraqua, The Discovery of Shenkuu, and many more. Your Neopet will be introduced to colourful characters such as Queen Fyora, King Kelpbeard, and Hoban the Navigator. These stories are a beautiful introduction to Neopia history and lore that are sure to excite and inspire.

     12. Baby Scorchio Nursery Rhymes

     A nursery’s bookshelf cannot be complete without at least one book of nursery rhymes. There's three reasons these timeless tunes capture the attention of our little ones: catchy tunes, simple vocabulary, and silly subjects. Your Baby Neopet is sure to fall in love with these rhymes.


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