A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 188,914,574 Issue: 538 | 30th day of Running, Y14
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The Roleplay Cafe: True Colors pt. 2

by purrfect_cookie

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HEY it's Phun Teim!
Did you hear the rumors? Well, they've been confirmed!!

by kaiodadragon


Gotta watch those crazy Usuls...

Idea by necklace

by morfix


Neoquest III Skills and Character Guide
By now, most of you will have heard about the third instalment of the Neoquest trilogy that was recently released. Good character progression, as with the two previous games, is essential if you want to have any chance of beating the later bosses.

by herdygerdy


Chance of Rain - Victory
1 2 3 SNOOZE!

by mizumew

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