The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 188,914,574 Issue: 538 | 30th day of Running, Y14
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Cappuccino Hearts

by mikomon

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Infinity: Part Five
Lumin let out a deep sigh, trying to keep his composure. Nothing like that had ever happened before. Once a Firefly started to glow, they stayed that way all their life. Suddenly losing their glow was unthinkable.

by blueys45


One Week
We are staying the night at the Wooden Boot, an old inn that smells a little like mothballs and spilled grog and travel-worn leather, but it is nice enough. It was a miracle we could find a place to stay at all...

by vanessa1357924680


Order of Four: Part Ten
"I don't know how to open a portal," I said hopelessly.

by jokerhahaazzz


Mystical Misfortune
I wonder what it does...

by theorii

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