A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 192,289,221 Issue: 640 | 11th day of Eating, Y16
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The Group of Silly

by my_littlle_cheeka

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Jhudora's Bluff
Looking back on it all, the whole of Brightvale could safely and unanimously concur that it was all the fault of that no good Aisha, Bill.

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The House of Fear and Dread
Doni, however, did not see a ghost or an apparition. No, something much worse...

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Soup for a Grey Day
Put on your "I Heart Soup Apron" on this grey day to keep the grey at bay...

by marzipan


Putting on Your Grey Face
For Grey Day we must aim for a bit of the miserable, some pessimism, and a little despondency.

Also by larkspurlane

by _razcalz_

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