Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 192,289,221 Issue: 640 | 11th day of Eating, Y16
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Continued Series

Agent of the Sway: Discovery - Part Two

The Crokabek flew low over the desert, skimming over the dunes, eyes fixed on a target in the distant sandy haze. 

Two Neopets, slowly moving towards a ruin.

by herdygerdy

Ballad of the Faerie's Champion: Stagnation - Part Three

Gary was relieved to see the towering spires of Brightvale castle rising up over the horizon. He had been born in Brightvale City, and seldom left it for most of his childhood. For him, the city was home.

by shinkoryu14
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Keep Spirits Up On Grey Day

Every pet has a favourite toy stowed away deep within the depths of their owner's safety deposit box. Bringing out your pet's beloved toys is certain to boost their mood on even the most grey of days. If your pet is toyless, stop by the Toy Shop in Neopia Central to stock up! An outing to the store to pick up something new is...

Other Stories


Misadventures of an Innocent Bystander 2: Kastraliss
"Never, ever, ever tell your readers you're scared to interview someone."

by flufflepuff


An Unexpected Customer
Every day is much the same at The Snowdrift Café. Isn't it?

by kadface


Putting on Your Grey Face
For Grey Day we must aim for a bit of the miserable, some pessimism, and a little despondency.

Also by larkspurlane

by _razcalz_


Random Events Machine - Surprise Community Challenge
The random events machine building project caused previously worthless daily junk items to suddenly skyrocket in price...

by emokidd0


Chocolate Aisha Ears
You made dinner?

by secant


The Group of Silly
Only the best for Grey Day.

by my_littlle_cheeka

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