Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 193,402,800 Issue: 688 | 3rd day of Swimming, Y17
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Lord Dark Noirgus' concert- In a Nutshell

by gorubeza

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Great stories!


Cheating for Seconds
Who knew Sabre-X could be so easily fooled?

by art_un


Royal Pain
Kitchen Quests are so unfair

by winner19955


There is No Such Thing as Fearless
It was a beautiful day in the Haunted Woods. The wrought iron fence with its alternating wrought iron torches and pitchforks lined one side of the dirt track. The fence led to a gate with the emblem of a torch with two pitchforks crossed above it. Past the gate, the landscape was as far from the rest of the Haunted Woods as one could get. The visitor was unimpressed.

by 77thbigby


Ezra and Ava: Wraiths and Home
Ava sighed as she placed the piece of dung into her basket. "This has got to be the worst streak we've had," she said. "This is the fifth piece of dung we've found."

by broncogirl6

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