The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 194,767,701 Issue: 710 | 11th day of Celebrating, Y17
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Celebrity Fashion Trade: Villain Edition

by theschizophrenicpunk

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Preparing for the Month of Celebration, Part 2
It's almost time for holiday cheer, shopping, cards, parties, and sweets. Holiday food is something that can't be overlooked. It is in a class on its own. When it comes to food, Christmas is one of the holidays that can't be beat. From the month-watering turkey and vegetables to the scrumptious sweets and drinks, the food choices are almost infinite.

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Neoquest II: The Forgotten Heroine: Part Two
Terror Mountain had always been a pretty short stage, but it was even shorter in this game. Doctor wasn’t that bad, and Eirika was still getting those sick pauses. Arthur had spent most of his points on getting Doctor group healing and shielding, and hadn’t spent any on the anti-sickness thing.

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