Stand behind yer sheriff |
Circulation: 193,824,348 |
Issue: 713 | 29th day of Celebrating, Y17 |
Sibling Antics by kackcheeka
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Great stories!
Hannah's Adventures: the Pirate Caves or this week’s article we will talk about Hannah’s first game, Hannah and the Pirate Caves. This is a very old game, but since you can obtain a pretty avatar and trophies when playing it, the game hasn’t been forgotten by the neopians. Also by guik44
by saudadesdagripe |
Janet and Jane: The Case of the Framed Detectives: Part One This one was serious and was going to be the hardest one that the company had received in a while. The worst part was that I had to do it all without my best friend. In fact, the entire case revolved around her. It wasn't even a real case - it was just me trying to find her. Jane went missing about four days ago.
by chasing_stars44 |
Loyalty A Weewoo flew through the window of a rather plain Neohome, toting the latest Neopian Times. Rimos took the newspaper, thanked the small Petpet, and went to flip to the comic section for a laugh that early morning. Instead he received a shock.
by azienskieth |