The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 193,974,720 Issue: 729 | 22nd day of Eating, Y18
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Neggsweeper - A Game That Sweeps You Away!

by mustikeuh121

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History of Neopian Fashion.
Fashion is more than just style and trends. Fashion is about creation and self-expression. Fashion is influenced by weather, culture, wars, and the economy. It is ever-changing and evolving, to appropriately suit our times. So you may be asking yourself where exactly did it all begin?

by alienspacefairy


The Ghosts of Roo Island: Part Three
I ran all the way to the carousel grounds. My legs were on fire, and my lungs felt I’d been painted Magma. Finally, I was came through the trees into the clearing, my legs feeling like they might give way underneath me at any moment. I slowed up, and rested against a tree to get my breath back before continuing on to the carousel.

by phoenix_through_fire


NeoPaper: Repeat Cycle
Hooray! My vocal chords are saved!

by mbredboy31


Why Kadoaties Don't Make Good Supporters
That's not really the noise we were looking for

Also by azusa_k

by brooklyn3223

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