Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 193,974,720 Issue: 729 | 22nd day of Eating, Y18
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New Series

Sakhmet Stories - The Witch And The Thief: Part One

No one knows where she came from, or who she is. To the children who lay in bed listening to their nighttime stories, Nephthysma the desert witch exists as a way of scaring young Neopians to sleep.

by iamnotaaron
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Secrets of Winning Mynci Beach Volleybal

In many other Neopets games, you need about 40% luck and 60% skill. But for Mynci Beach Volleyball, it is 99% SKILL and 1% luck. That is why many people still struggle to get the avatar (you need a score of 800+ for that), let alone winning a gold trophy. Indeed, on reset day, even those winning a bronze trophy can’t reach this score. And I have found that many neopians with 300+ avatars still lack this game avatar. The reason why people never make it is they don’t know the techniques and tricks of this game very well. You just can’t sit in front of computer hoping for luck in this game because every point, which can last for minutes, is won by hard work. You don’t guess or wait for the high-scoring neggs to finally show up after endless attempts. It’s all about skill and hard work.

Other Stories


An Adventure Outside of Meridell
A golden morning gave Cadria faint hope that summer was fast approaching. May had come and gone with some frivolity; the temperatures had warmed considerably but had remained altogether unimpressive.

by pepper_imp


Inevitable Delusions
Two Darigan youth sat across each other around a round table, burying their noses in a fan of cards, hardening their expressions until became like stone. Around them gathered four other Darigan knights who had already folded their hands, and now, they silently hedged their bets as to who would win this round.

by likelife96


A Day at the Usul Appreciation Club
TERROR MOUNTAIN, LIVE - Kuszemi: Greetings, fair stranger from yon! Welcome to the weekly Usul Appreciation Club, which is convened every Thursday. We don’t usually have guests here, but we are actively seeking sponsors for the Yoo-Sul Championship which we are hoping to attend this year, so here you are.

by an9375


The 5 Secrets of Winning Mynci Beach Volleyball!
In many other Neopets games, you need about 40% luck and 60% skill. But for Mynci Beach Volleyball, it is 99% SKILL and 1% luck. That is why many people still struggle to get the avatar (you need a score of 800+ for that), let alone winning a gold trophy.

by feedthefrog


Neggsweeper - A Game That Sweeps You Away!
Just my luck.

Also by Breezah_baby

by mustikeuh121


Eclectic Antics: Lever of Doom
Avatar collectors are not mad. Okay, maybe a little.

Also by parody_ham

by amarettoball

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