White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 193,974,720 Issue: 729 | 22nd day of Eating, Y18
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Continued Series

The Adventures of Trina: The Glass Key: Part Ten

I dived to the left as Evrilin sliced his cutlass through the air. So fast, the engraved symbols on the blade were just one big blur. His laughter was muffled by the crackling fire ripping through the cardboard boxes and setting the wooden pillars ablaze.

by ummagine3284
Eye of the Crokabek: Part Four

“So... what's happened to Cog?” he asked.

Stella gave him a weary look. “It's a long story,” she told him, “and... I haven't been sleeping well lately. Mind if I make a cup of Borovan first?”

by reiqua

The Ghosts of Roo Island: Part Three

I ran all the way to the carousel grounds. My legs were on fire, and my lungs felt I’d been painted Magma. Finally, I was came through the trees into the clearing, my legs feeling like they might give way underneath me at any moment. I slowed up, and rested against a tree to get my breath back before continuing on to the carousel.

by phoenix_through_fire
Janet and Jane: The Case of the Rough Waters: Part Two

“Alright, so why on Neopia are we here? What are we supposed to figure out?” I said in a yawn. I didn't get much sleep last night. After that little incident, you couldn't blame me. That and we had to sleep on rocks.

by chasing_stars44
Sylva's Spirit: Origins: Part Two

he water was bright, and as Sylva stood on deck with Eliza sitting near him, he felt almost no fear. Almost. He carefully reached inside his pocket and pulled out the letter, yellowed with the age of barely two years.

by jrayeb3
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"The Woes of a Melodramatic Restocker" by auraphic
I am a restocker. Restocking remains to be by far the most noble and respectable profession in the wide world of Neopia. Restockers engage in a constant battle. We battle the shopkeepers, we battle the market, and, in those late nights spent waiting for the perfect stock, we battle fatigue. Sometimes, I walk away victorious. With bountiful profits in my pockets and exciting memories in my mind, I waltz unscathed away from The Magic Shop. But nearly as often as I best the shopkeeper, they happen to best me. Thus is the life of the melodramatic restocker. The Elusive Draik Morphing Potion The rumors have always been prevalent. Even in my humble beginnings as a seeker-of-fortune in the world of Neopia, the murmurs have always been afoot. Varying from a quiet whisper to a deafening crescendo of nervous mumbling, the community has always vested in restocking a profound interest in the possibility of a Draik Morphing Potion. I never believed the rumors; there was no way that a single restock could return such a monstrous profit of over six million neopoints. I never believed the rumors until the fateful day that my path crossed the path of the Elusive Draik Morphing Potion. It had been a long night. I had seen potions come and go, and garnered for myself quite the collection of unique potions. I had considered retiring to bed for the night, but the nagging voice in the back of my head beckoned me back to the computer. The magnificent Kau shopkeeper, Kauvara, called me back to the shop with the glowing promise of more restocks.

Other Stories


The Woes of a Melodramatic Restocker
I am a restocker. Restocking remains to be by far the most noble and respectable profession in the wide world of Neopia. Restockers engage in a constant battle. We battle the shopkeepers, we battle the market, and, in those late nights spent waiting for the perfect stock, we battle fatigue.

by auraphic


The Gifted Faerie
Professor Thierra sifted through the miscellany mess of papers on her desk, glancing up at Aleha in-between scribbles. The movement of the room was still for the present time; Aleha modestly preoccupied with her books and Thierra contemplatively preoccupied with her papers and Aleha.

by redken9x9


Aging With Neopets
Let those grey hairs show with pride!

by schadenfreudee


Cybunnies From A to Z
In this article I`ll be going through the alphabet and listing anything related to Cybunnies from A to Z! I look at everything from avatars to Cybunny characters, books and wearables.

by aleu1986


Why Kadoaties Don't Make Good Supporters
That's not really the noise we were looking for

Also by azusa_k

by brooklyn3223


Eclectic Antics: Lever of Doom
Avatar collectors are not mad. Okay, maybe a little.

Also by parody_ham

by amarettoball

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