Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source |
Circulation: 194,077,255 |
Issue: 736 | 10th day of Relaxing, Y18 |
A Cheaper Alternative by littledude61394
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Great stories!
Altador Cup XI Match Report: From the Sidelines I’m here today in the spectator area with some of the gang, and coming up is Maraqua versus Krawk Island. Say hello, everyone!Garin: Yeah, hi. Jacques: Hi. Slightly Manic-Looking Blue Techo With Bloodshot Eyes: HII!!!
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Tangor's Assistant The line for his workshop is far out the door and from morning to night he has lots of customers galore. They love his imagination and what he can do, just with a few extra pieces or two. He was always busy, and not much time to snooze. Tangor was even a bit lonely too, even though he saw customers every day, they never stay very long.
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Secrets of Yooyuball: Trials of a Trade A player trade can bring salvation to an Altador Cup team or doom it to the dregs of last place. As anyone knows after eleven years of fevered competition, team loyalty is a big deal out in the audience, and conflicting emotions run high when a treasured star is traded to another team.
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