The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 194,077,255 Issue: 736 | 10th day of Relaxing, Y18
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The Distraction Strategy

by bittersweet52

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A Foster's Perspective
Due to its popularity, I decided to make a follow up piece, this time focusing on the fosters adopting out a pet instead of the adoptees. After conducting several surveys, I compiled the results and took the answers of three users who have experience in adopting out pets.

by dragondancer007


Secrets of Yooyuball: Trials of a Trade
A player trade can bring salvation to an Altador Cup team or doom it to the dregs of last place. As anyone knows after eleven years of fevered competition, team loyalty is a big deal out in the audience, and conflicting emotions run high when a treasured star is traded to another team.

by sasaki_kyomi


NeoPaper: Budget Cuts
Are you sure there aren't... erm... better things to cut first?

by mbredboy31


A Legendary Complement
An insightful evaluation of the legendary Altadorian petpets.

by skolver

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