White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 194,583,593 Issue: 777 | 14th day of Eating, Y19
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What am I? #1

by pets_rock_8

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Thoughts on Grey Day
In this article, we'll talk about the meaning of Grey Day and analyze some aspects of it that aren't commonly explained. I believe that sadness, even though it brings negative emotions when it comes down on us, must be discussed.

Also by mazaii_3

by dragondancer007


Daily Hair
Some people take change great! And then there's Gelato.

by blixembot


How the Grey Faerie Celebrates Grey Day
Before the Grey Faerie, named Baelia, was locked up, she was a completely different faerie! Thousands and thousands of years ago, Baelia was actually Baelia, the Happy Faerie!

Also by dissiechrissie

by theyellowrose


A Little Lutari's Birthday
Downstairs, Mother is prepping breakfast. His favorite: Tigerbuggle Fruit Pancakes. She traveled all the way to Mystery Island last week to get the ingredients. Mother sighs, she can’t believe little Zoltan is three, these years have flown by so fast.

by spukl1

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