Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 195,005,051 Issue: 812 | 12th day of Sleeping, Y20
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Simple Neopets Joke #5

by souxis

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The Meridellians: Potato Counter
That's all it takes?

by islandforever


Seasonal Neopian Coffee Guide
Whether you need one cup, or two...or, uh...forty-fiveā€¦this is a guide to show you exactly which drinks you should be sipping during each season.

Also by freeread

by tamra1024


How to Cure Nightmares
I recently adopted both Zabuzaf and Iridesce when the fifth pet spot opened, and then this happened...

by kunabee_tiger


Roberta of Brightvale Saves her Scrollery
Brightvale, her hometown and where she held some kind of social title, did not treat her like a hero of Neopia.

by restisunwritten

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