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The Top Foods in Every All-Star's Lunch Box

by kali00


     With Altador Cup XIV well underway, players all over Neopia are fighting for the big win. It’s common knowledge that practice makes perfect, but people often forget the importance of food. No amount of practice will make up for a poor diet, especially if you want to be an all-star. Weeks before this year’s Altador Cup, I went in search of the foods every champion needs to succeed. After many interviews with past winners, I’m happy to present to you the top foods every champion needs in their lunch box.

     Large Bacon Eggs and Toast Smoothie

     Waking up for a day of Altador Cup shenanigans is like waking up for Christmas. You’ll be so excited to start kicking the Yooyu ball around you won’t want to stop to eat a full meal. Lucky for you, eating breakfast just got a whole lot easier! The large bacon eggs and toast smoothie is packed with everything you need to get your day started right. Make it the night before and throw it in the fridge so you can just grab and sip it on the go.


     Breakfast Hot Dog

     If you can’t stomach the idea of a refreshing soggy breakfast smoothie, never fear! A big breakfast hot dog is another great option for a quick morning meal on the go. Traditional breakfast hot dogs consist of eggs and bacon on an artisan bun, but feel free to alter it in any way you’d like. Just be sure to include lots of protein to fuel your morning games. If you’re not sure where to start, eggs and bacon are always a good idea.


     Techo Energy Drink

     Since you’ll obviously want to wake up early for the Altador Cup, chances are you’ll be tired from the moment you crawl out of bed. Pack a Techo energy drink or two for when you need a quick boost of ultimate energy. A single can of this sweet, fizzy nectar is all you need to get out there and Make Some Noise! Be careful not to drink too much at once, though, or you’ll find yourself going from the star player to the star patient in the Neopian Hospital.


     Altadorian Nectar

     Energy drinks aren’t for everyone. That’s where this refreshing drink comes in! No matter what team has your allegiance, you can’t deny the delicious taste of Altadorian nectar. Full of all your favorite native fruits, you won’t find anything quite as tasty. Traditionally it’s made with a mix of Altadorian grapes, winged apples, and a handful of the freshest strawberries in the land. Like the energy drink, limit your consumption. Too much sugar is never a good idea. A sugar crash is the last thing you need when you’re racking up the points.


     Mega Manoroot Sandwich

     It’s just not a lunch box without a sandwich. The mega manoroot sandwich is an odd choice but according to team members on Tyrannia, last year’s cup winner, it’s a must. After countless attempts at contacting Neopia’s top chefs, I was unable to find out the exact ingredients. My suggestion is just close your eyes, hold your breath, and pretend you’re eating a greasy slice of pizza. When you’re one match away from winning the cup, you’ll thank me.


     Yooyuball Protein Shake

     A mega manoroot Sandwich isn’t for everyone. The Yooyuball protein shake is a wonderful alternative to this mystery meat sandwich. The shake is made with high quality protein, fresh oranges, and natural flavors. This rich, nutritional shake is available exclusively at the Altador Cup, so you’ll want to get there early before the lines fill up. Before you place your order, check out the special add-ins. Have fun with flavors like dark chocolate, smooth vanilla, and spearmint!


     Spicy Hummus and Pita Chips

     When you’re getting close to your final match of the day, take a few seconds for a snack. You’re probably feeling a bit sluggish by now, so it’s the perfect time to eat some spicy hummus and pita chips. Nothing puts a spring in your step quite like a mouthful of spicy chillis. If pita chips aren’t your cup of tea, you can use carrots or celery. For a little variety, make it a platter! This way you can share it with the whole team. After all, you’re only as strong as your team. A Vegetable Dip Platter has everything you need to feed a group of hungry Neopians.


     Yooyuball Pizza

     Remember that greasy piece of pizza I mentioned earlier? After a day of Yooyuball, Slushie Slinger, and Make Some Noise, you deserve it. This is when you can take your shoes off, get comfortable, and enjoy the beauty of Altador. The pizza is hand-tossed, covered in cheese, and cooked to perfection. You can add all your favorite toppings at no charge, which is one of the many perks of being a star. Share it with a friend or keep it all to yourself; you earned it.


     Altador Cup Sundae

     Most people say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but I have to disagree. When you’re out there playing in the sun, breakfast is the last thing you’ll think about. It’s the cold, sweet Altador Cup Sundae you’ll be looking forward to. Served in a replicate Altador Cup trophy, this sundae is both delicious and motivating. You can choose your favorite ice cream from a huge list of flavors including strawberry, lavender, vanilla bean, mocha, and many more. Top it with fudge, whipped cream, and a cherry, and you have the perfect sundae.


     That’s a lot of food! If you need a new lunch box to store it all, consider the Altador Cup Lunchbox. It’s big enough for all your delicious eats and you can even use it as decoration after the cup.

     Now you know exactly what to eat during the Altador cup and are ready to play. Make sure you eat all of your food because if there’s anything I learned during my research, it’s that champions never skip a meal. Now get out there and win!

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