Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 195,679,037 Issue: 870 | 21st day of Relaxing, Y21
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A Notable Neopian

by fleohr

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The Pound Garden
Never forget that anywhere can become a place of joy if you simply bloom where you are planted.

by carrieantonia


Yoga For Those Long AC Days
From the best-selling book 'Techo Yoga'.

by greyorangegrey


Unqualified Applicants
but wait i'm not ready...

by christy_k


The Pteri who did not know how to fly
Once upon a time in Meridell, there was a tree; not too tall, not too short, with foliage as green as a fir that swayed in the wind like the softness of a Carmariller's wings-beating and strong branches as resilient as a Turdle.

collab with seniority

by fluffalspike

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