teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 195,679,037 Issue: 870 | 21st day of Relaxing, Y21
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

Once upon a time in Meridell, there was a tree; not too tall, not too short, with foliage as green as a fir that swayed in the wind like the softness of a Carmariller's wings-beating and strong branches as resilient as a Turdle. Now this story is not just about the tree itself, but what was about to happen in it. Something so incredible and beautiful that would change the course of the beings who lived there.

Double or Nothing: Is the Coin Flip Legit?

“Fancy a game of chance?” he drawls, beckoning you closer. You glance over, intrigued. You came to Meridell Castle to flub some jokes for King Skarl. But yet the Skeith calling to you from the treasure room has captured your interest. What could he want, sitting in that treasury surrounded by the mountains of gold? You are drawn in, and before you know it, you’re engaged in a game of chance.

More for Less: 10 Avatar Games You Need to Get

With the Living with Less event over and the perk shop open, many Neopians are spending their points on the "Perk Me Up" perk in the hopes of getting "More for Less." This will allow Neopians to earn game avatars for only 80% of the original avatar score. Some avatars are easier than others with this score reduction, and some, such as "Grundo - Snowthrow!" from Snow Wars II, are about the same difficulty with/without the perk.

Believe or Deceive?

Cheat! Champion Kalora joins us today in honour of Kau Day to celebrate and discuss her excellence at Cheat!, the neopets she faces on a daily basis, and some tricks to pick up those pesky cheaters and win a couple of games.

Other Stories
"The Old Rules" by candyplague
"Hello, little ones. What can I do for you today?" She asks, her voice gentle and lilting like a song. Erilise shifts, her claws digging into the dirt beneath her. The ground is soft and wet from the springs. The springs keep the air around them cool and fresh, smelling faintly of something sweet. "I request healing, for my brother. He's sick and we can't afford the medication he needs." Erilise replies with faux confidence while anxiety buzzes quietly inside her bones. The acara in her arms whines, grabbing at her shirt with sweaty paws. The faerie blinks slowly, looking them over. It's clear she is used to being spoken to in a more familiar, open manner. She smiles anyway and pushes her hair out of her face, the locks reminiscent of waves reflecting sunlight. It's bright and golden, silky rays of sunshine falling over her shoulders. Erilise finds herself admiring it, but turns her attention back to the matter at hand. She has to stay focused.

"A Trek With Team Lost Cause 2: Coltzan's Curse" by mimitchi880
"You do not have any draws left!” “I don’t have any what now?—I swear I had four left for the third round—” “There are no more available moves!” “Well, maybe if you hadn’t given me three eights in all the corners of the pyramid…” Vonde Cayle, Team Lost Desert’s left defender and off-season solitaire devotee, was having a particularly bad streak. The first day, he had pretended it was a small spell of awful luck when Sakhmet Solitaire gave him ten losing games in a row. Day two, he figured it could just be a hint of heat stroke keeping him from properly assessing the cards during Pyramids. It was day eight now. His ratio of losses to wins was more than 100:1. He felt like he hadn’t won a card game since before the last Neopian purge. Maybe even before the destruction of Qasala. It had been… a long time.For someone who scored as many goals as he did during the Altador Cup, he thought he deserved to be just a little bit better at some good old-fashioned desert cards.

"The Pteri who did not know how to fly" by fluffalspike
Once upon a time in Meridell, there was a tree; not too tall, not too short, with foliage as green as a fir that swayed in the wind like the softness of a Carmariller's wings-beating and strong branches as resilient as a Turdle. Now this story is not just about the tree itself, but what was about to happen in it. Something so incredible and beautiful that would change the course of the beings who lived there. On the fifth branch of the tree, not too tall, not too short, lived a Pteri named Becky. She was as blue as the cleanest sky. Becky loved to fly. For her, flying was the same thing as not feeling trapped anywhere and that was the purest state of freedom. She liked to stay in the clouds, but Becky knew she had responsibilities on the mainland or rather the "firm twig." On that branch, the fifth branch of the tree, not too tall, not too short, there was a nest. Becky was taking care of two eggs, her greatest pride and joy.

We Can't Hear You...

This week's issue is brought to you by: Make Some Noise!
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Great stories!


Believe or Deceive?
Cheat! Champion Kalora joins us today in honour of Kau Day to celebrate and discuss her excellence at Cheat!, the neopets she faces on a daily basis, and some tricks to pick up those pesky cheaters and win a couple of games.

by coerces


Unqualified Applicants
but wait i'm not ready...

by christy_k


The Pound Garden
Never forget that anywhere can become a place of joy if you simply bloom where you are planted.

by carrieantonia


Digivices Quest for Avatars! Chapter 2 - Cheeserolle
Digivices debut in a comic all about him!

by devotedly


A Notable Neopian
Excuse me sir...

Also by waitwut101

by fleohr

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