The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 195,679,037 Issue: 870 | 21st day of Relaxing, Y21
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Double or Nothing: Is the Coin Flip Legit?

“Fancy a game of chance?” he drawls, beckoning you closer. You glance over, intrigued. You came to Meridell Castle to flub some jokes for King Skarl.

by lithoxide
A Guide to Gadgadsgame

Gadgadsgame is a pretty straightforward game to play, and one of the easier avatar awarding games. I hope this guide helps some people get the avatar/trophy they're aiming for.

by jotty346
Customizing Your Character

Many Neopians choose to express their creativity through making art of, and creating characters for, their Neopets.

by waterbird333
Believe or Deceive?

Cheat! Champion Kalora joins us today in honour of Kau Day to celebrate and discuss her excellence at Cheat!, the neopets she faces on a daily basis, and some tricks to pick up those pesky cheaters and win a couple of games.

by coerces
More for Less: 10 Avatar Games You Need to Get

With the Living with Less event over and the perk shop open, many Neopians are spending their points on the "Perk Me Up" perk in the hopes of getting "More for Less."

Also by Collaborated with hansy900

by starscreamer54

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Double or Nothing: Is the Coin Flip Legit?

“Fancy a game of chance?” he drawls, beckoning you closer. You glance over, intrigued. You came to Meridell Castle to flub some jokes for King Skarl. But yet the Skeith calling to you from the treasure room has captured your interest. What could he want, sitting in that treasury surrounded by the mountains of gold? You are drawn in, and before you know it, you’re engaged in a game of chance.

Other Stories


A Trek With Team Lost Cause 2: Coltzan's Curse
A follow-up to last year's story to help get everyone in the mood for the upcoming Altador Cup! Go LD!

by mimitchi880


The Pteri who did not know how to fly
Once upon a time in Meridell, there was a tree; not too tall, not too short, with foliage as green as a fir that swayed in the wind like the softness of a Carmariller's wings-beating and strong branches as resilient as a Turdle.

collab with seniority

by fluffalspike


The Pound Garden
Never forget that anywhere can become a place of joy if you simply bloom where you are planted.

by carrieantonia


The Sisters of Pillar Grove:Part Four
The shock waves that the earth faerie created were felt even by Jacenty and Halloy within the robot. But while the cave outside went dark, the control room remained well-lit.

by blueys45


Sauna Day, Part 1
Oh come on...

by ssjelitegirl


A Notable Neopian
Excuse me sir...

Also by waitwut101

by fleohr

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