Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 196,631,762 Issue: 931 | 26th day of Running, Y23
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Curses, Countercurses, and Queela Fruit

by victoria_iii

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Happy Illusen Day! Can you find the 7 errors?
Will you be able to find all seven errors? Collab with twillla and javascripter

by mimiweasley


Fabled - Illusen Day
There's always next month...

by dylan_the_ninja


Find The Fish Negg! Math Puzzle
Can you solve this math puzzle? collab with 1337_masta

by mikurubeam297


Illusen's Word Search!
Enjoy this Illusen Day Word Search! Collab with itaela and the_gecko_dude_ii.

by muddywater1

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