Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 196,631,762 Issue: 931 | 26th day of Running, Y23
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Lucky Latte

Try the brand new Lucky Latte! Collab with faeriemelly

by lava_lamp_1
Favorite Faerie

How to become everyone's favorite faerie.

by linnipooh
Fabled - Illusen Day

There's always next month...

by dylan_the_ninja
Baby Food Farm

When life gives you... baby food? collaboration with theofloppy4135

by baiuki
Curses, Countercurses, and Queela Fruit

... or, How Jazan and Nabile Saved Qasala's Tourist Economy

by victoria_iii
Lab Fears

She doesn't always think before she speaks.

by pequepanda
Happy Illusen Day!

Not back to level 1!

by eleganza_lights

What is it called when a Chomby isn't paid well for his hard work?

by natashabelx

Eye of techo...

by herdygerdy
Illusen's Word Search!

Enjoy this Illusen Day Word Search! Collab with itaela and the_gecko_dude_ii.

by muddywater1
Free Codestones

Keep them coming, please!

by akezis
Loyalty Issues

Thanks for your help!

by rescur
A Cancelled Comic

Happy Cancelled due to lack of interest day! Collab with varshajoseph

by ngf57
Happy Illusen Day! Can you find the 7 errors?

Will you be able to find all seven errors? Collab with twillla and javascripter

by mimiweasley
Grave Danger

What could be taking so long? Collaboration with Romina_r

by nico_andresss
Random Oddness: Phantom Pet

He's just standing there... MENACINGLY!

by mistyqee
Anthie vs. Avatars: Dice-a-Roo

Just one more roll.

by wonderlandcomplexx
Find The Fish Negg! Math Puzzle

Can you solve this math puzzle? collab with 1337_masta

by mikurubeam297
Weather Forecast

I heard you moved out of Tyrannia!

by squin
Search the Neopian Times


"The Pest Professor" by 77thbigby
It was a beautiful day on the island. The sky was clear, the sun shining hotly down. It was a great day to be out on the water. Conditions were perfect, a nice breeze kicking up some waves and cooling down some relief from the relentless heat and humidity. Best of all, the place was crawling with tourists. Just the way Rhae liked it. The coconut Jubjub knew most natives didn’t care for tourists but not him. His favourite activities were surfing and paddleboarding. Tourists looking for something a bit more adventurous than working on their tans came to him. Not only did he get to do what he loved but he got paid for it! Who didn’t want that? Today was no different. Rhae was near the shore, teaching a young rainbow Chia how to balance on a board.

Other Stories


The Tale of Everblaze & the Earth Faerie
Ever since he was a young lad, Evergreen the Scorchio felt out of place...

by honorrolle


Paddy's Unlucky Adventure
Paddy the Green Kacheek is always excited for his birthday, but he has no idea what lies in store for him this year...

by kathleen_a_b


Neocash Redemption Prizes Starring Illusen!
Illusen is a very sweet and stylish Earth Faerie, so why not show her some love?

by _brainchild_


Unsolved Neopian Cases
Unsolved Neopian Cases is an investigative article by News-A-Roo. This case is about The Grey Faerie Mystery!

by omgsinho


The Royal Axis: Pushing Back The Dark
Evil forces are gathering on the horizon, led by villains thought vanquished long ago...

by iamnotaaron


The Curse of Geraptiku Tombs
Two young neopians who make their living as thieves may have finally run out of luck...

by asnu

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