Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 196,894,046 Issue: 950 | 10th day of Celebrating, Y23
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This is Why the Weewoo's are the NT Mascot

by babihghost

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Counting Calories: A Graphical Analysis of the Daily Food Intake of a Kadoatie
Examining your Kadoatie's Diet: A Graphical Analysis Collab with llttss

by coconut_rat


Dailies with Larvse and Chuckie! Special 950th!
Special Larvse and Chuckie for the 950th edition! Collab with instata!

by spinachs


95 Life Lessons I Learned from Neopets!
Trying to go through life, figuring out what you want, or who you want to be is hard. But maybe... you already have the answers? Collab with chezmukey and travel74147

by actiontal


A gift for a special occasion
Happy 950! Collab with lolamartinez1

by lava_lamp_1

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