White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 196,894,046 Issue: 950 | 10th day of Celebrating, Y23
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9 Reasons to Submit a Neopian Times Entry

by drgnswor


They say that the best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago, but the next best time is now. I believe the same applies to submitting a Neopian Times entry. Don't get me wrong, I was once new too and I know just how overwhelming it can be. You have to think up an original idea, execute it, and put it out there for all Neopia to see and judge it sure can seem intimidating! But it's also one of the most worthwhile things you can achieve in a Neopets career.

     In honour of the 950th publication of this fantastic literary institute, here are nine honest, practical, and insightful reasons why you should submit your first Neopian Times entry!

     1. Trophies

     Let's start with the obvious. Nobody would say no to a nifty new trophy decorating their page. The Neopian Times trophy features an elegant golden quill and the word "CHAMPION!!!" and sits in the Game Trophies section of your user lookup. The number goes up when more of your submissions are published. For example, if you have been published 4 times, it would read "Neopian Times 4xCHAMPION!!!" and if you have been published 950 times, it would theoretically read "Neopian Times 950xCHAMPION!!!' I say hypothetically because I don't * think * anyone has been published 950 times but hey, that's not stopping me!

     2. Avatars

     If you're an avatar collector, your ears will perk up at this. The second most obvious reason for submitting is acquiring two very coveted and rare avatars. They are the Neopian Times Star avatar and the Neopian Times Writer avatar. Both are somewhat difficult to get in different ways but that's all the more reason to strive.

     The Neopian Times Star avatar was released in the month of Swimming, Year 6 and features a fluffy white quill encapsulated with a gold border and two stars with the words "NT STAR" at the bottom. You can get this stunning avatar by being published in the Neopian Times ten times. This includes articles, short stories, story series (each part published counts as one publication), and comics. Keep in mind that editorial submissions DO NOT COUNT.

     The Neopian Times Writer avatar was released almost exactly a year later in the month of Swimming, Year 7 and pictures a delighted White Weewoo (the mascot of the Neopian Times publication) writing with a quill. In my opinion, this is slightly more difficult to attain than the Neopian Times Star avatar and I hope that the NT editors are kind enough to bless me with it * makes cute Weewoo eyes * This avatar is achieved when a submission is published in an issue of the Neopian Times that end in a 50th eg. 850th, 900th, 950th.

     3. Exploring your literary creativity

     There are three categories in the Neopian Times where you can be published. Articles, Short Stories, and Series. Which one suits you?

     The first and most popular is Articles, which is what you're reading right now. Your article must a minimum of 1,000 words and a maximum of 50,000 words to be submitted. They can be about anything Neopets related. You can give insightful tips on different parts of the site, make a game guide on a game you're a pro at, rant about something that bothers you, rave about something that you love, or create a fun quiz! I'm here right now writing a list of reasons why you should submit a NT article!

     The second category is Short Stories. It must be a minimum of 1,200 words and a maximum of 4000 words. A short story is a one-off story that includes a beginning, plot, and conclusion. You can write about the campaigns of grand Maraquan generals, the quests of brave Altadorian heroes, the adventures of Shenkuuvian travellers, the ventures of Neopian royalty! Or what about the exploits of famous villains like Sloth and Jhudora? The possibilities are endless.

     The third category is Series. A series is somewhat similar to Short Stories except it is a story that develops over multiple entries called different episodes that are published in consecutive NT issues. A series is generally 6-8 parts but the editors do accept up to 12 parts, with each part being a minimum of 1,500 words and a maximum of 50,000 words. The entire series must be submitted in one submission though.

     The world is your oyster and your imagination has no limits!

     4. Showing off your artistic skills

     The fourth and last category in the Neopian Times where you can be published is in Comic. Not much of a writer? No problem! If you have artistic chops and a good sense of humour, a Comic is where you'll shine. The accepted file formats are GIF and JPG, with a maximum file size of 200 KB and maximum image width of 470 pixels.

     5. Making your pets proud

     As a published Neopian Times author, you will definitely make your pets super proud of you. They might try to play with your shiny trophies and avatars so keep them in a safe place! You can even feature them in your work, such as hosting an article or starring as the protagonist in a short story or series. What a great way to make this a fun family activity!

     6. Developing skills for other site publications

     Did you know that the Neopian Times is not the only writing and art based feature on Neopets? There are other contests and competitions such as the Poetry Contest and Story Telling for the writers and the Art Gallery and Beauty Contest for the artists. The skills you develop writing for the NT will help hone your skills for these other publications, all of which have their own trophies to add to your trophy cabinet.

     7. Growing a fan base and connecting with people

     This is more for when you've been published multiple times but once you've been writing (or drawing) for a while, you will likely start receiving neomail from fans who truly love your work. This is a great fun way to make new friends and connect with fans who you might not have otherwise met.

     8. Self-fulfilment

     Aside from the endless admiration and adoration from your neopets and new fans, being a published author or artist is a wonderful feeling. It's no easy feat and you should be so proud of yourself.

     9. Bragging Rights

     Aaaaand, you have bragging rights! Hey, no harm in a little bragging when you've worked so hard researching, putting pen to paper, and editing. Brag away!

     So, what are you waiting for?! Let's get to work and get hustlin'! Submit an NT entry today!

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