Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 197,101,763 Issue: 963 | 1st day of Swimming, Y24
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What's Your Favorite Neopet?: Survey Results.

by stars4ever33


Neopia is a very diverse world; it's chock full of up to 55 species of Neopets! With diversity such as this, I began to wonder what the most popular Neopet was. So, I took to the streets to ask people personally what they thought. It was essentially, a survey. The results were...well... they were exactly what I wanted them to be. Not because I wanted to see my personal favourite pets be on top, but rather I wanted to see what others’ opinions are!

     The way the survey was conducted was that I asked individuals what their favourite pet was. I, then, kept very good notes (so good that I lost them! :D) about how many votes each species got. I wanted to originally write about my favourite species and why, however, I figured that this would be a little biased and totally unfun. Who wants to hear someone stand on a soapbox and brag about their pets? No one! It’s more fun to see what others have to say, that is what I think!

     For the most part, a lot of Neopets ended up in four, sometimes five-way ties. However, three of these Neopets stood out as the "top". There were a few ties that I didn’t include since they only one two or three votes. I picked the ones with 4 or more votes.

     1) Aisha. (6 votes)

     This species is seen as intelligent, and they have psychic abilities! With their cute faces, it's not hard to see what they would come out on "top" with 6 out of around 85 votes. Their pet day is at the beginning of the year, on the third of the month of sleeping. and they come in a wide variety of colours. They have a total of four ears (One very famous vending machine owning out-of-this-world Aisha has a total of Six!)

     The next few were tied for 2nd, each earning 5 out of 85 votes. Together, they got 10 votes.

     2) Grundos (5 votes)

     Introduced in Year 2, these cute creatures came out with 5 votes. And I can certainly see why. After being enslaved by Dr. Sloth for so long, they returned to Neopia transformed. After the defeat of their master, they took over the space station. Their pet day is August 24th, and they apparently eat almost anything and if you were to adopt one, you have 7 colours to choose from. White, Brown, Green, Red, Blue, Yellow, and purple. A famous Grundo is Gorix, who helped to save the Neopets on the space station.

     3) Korbats (5 votes)

     I think the spookiest pet on this list is the Korbat, released on October 26th, these friendly little guys are nocturnal and will stay up all night with you if you can't sleep. They like to hang by their tails and have a great sense of hearing. I wonder how much these guys like candy? I bet on any given Halloween, they try and get the most. My personal favourite Korbat is Kevin, the Gormball player.

     Now, as I said before there were a lot of ties, these next few Neopets were caught in a 3-way tie for third.

     4) Blumaroo. (4 Votes)

     Hailing from Roo Island, these friendly Neopets love to bounce on their long tails and whistle happy tunes! Roo Island is a place familiar to most Neopians for the ever-famous King Roo, and his game Dice-A-Roo. They seem to be one of the taller Neopets and they have these adorable little feet with hearts on the bottom! Their pet day is on August 8th.

     5) Eyrie (4 votes)

     This is a very regal-looking Neopet! They have large wings and because of this, they are very powerful fliers! It stands at about 160 cm, which makes it the largest Neopet of them all. These playful companions are so large, that they are known to carry their smaller friends on their backs! How nice! The Eyrie seems to be a native of Mystery Island and its pet day is October 10th. Cap’n Threelegs of the Swashbuckling Academy is a renowned Eyrie who helps train others for battle.

     6)Shoyru (4 votes)

     Shoyrus aren't born with the ability to fly, rather it is something that must be practised. Therefore I like them, personally. They seem very tenacious. When they do get the hang of flying, they are adept at flying both day and night! However, they use the crest on their heads for balance. They were discovered April 20th year 2 and their pet day is the second of April! If you love Shoyrus very much, there is an all-Shoyru band that plays the concert hall called “Yes Boy Ice-Cream” I’ve seen them in person before and they are very talented.

     7) Hissi (4 Votes)

     Hissis come in at about 40 cm and have cool smooth wings. You would think the idea of a flying snake would be terrifying, but these cute little guys don't mean anyone any harm. Rather, they apparently like to read adventure stories. They were discovered in year 7 on the 4th day of Hunting If you want to adopt one, however, you must wait until its payday as they are limited. The left forward of the Darigan Citadel team for the Altador cup is a Hissi by the name of Layton Vickles. I know that Darigan Citadel has seen a lot of success during the Altador Cup, so perhaps having a Hissi on your team is good luck?

     If you don't see your favourite pet on here, don't sweat it! I think every Neopet is awesome in its own way! No pet is "better" than the other simply because it made this list! The point of my survey was too more so see if every kind of Neopet was liked. I am happy to report that, yes! For every species that there ever was on Neopets, there is at least one person who likes them. My sample was taken from a small group of individuals, though. So, let's multiply that and say that every species has its group of adoring fans! Again, every Neopet species is awesome in its own right! No one is better than someone else. That kind of thinking is just silly in my opinion!


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