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Buzzerfeed: 8 Tips on Working from Home with Petpets

by wizzy13_7


Congratulations on your new remote work! Now you can sleep in and wear your favourite Quiggle Fly Pyjamas with your boss and coworkers none the wiser! But if you have a Petpet, you might encounter some new and interesting challenges. So here are our tips and tricks for working from home with a Petpet running (or rolling, swimming, or flying!) amok in your office.

     1) Own a Meepit whose eyes stare into your soul, keeping you from doing your work? Invest in a Meepit wheel! This must-have equipment will give your Petpet a chance to exercise its body and give you peace of mind. While this activity may test your attention span—as a Meepit running in a wheel is adorable and disruptive—nothing can be as distracting as the feeling that someone (or something) is watching you procrastinate that project you needed to start, like, yesterday. Note: While there is no Petpet Supplies™ branded Meepit wheel, fortunately, Neopia does at least have the concept of wheels, so we won't have to reinvent it.

     2) Does your boss remotely monitor your computer activity? Afraid they will notice that you’ve been neglecting your job duties? Not to worry — your pet Rock can actually save the day! Just place your Rock on your computer’s keyboard, holding the keys down, and your NeoTeams account will show your status as active. Your boss does NOT need to know that you’re absentmindedly staring into the corner of your Neohome all day or that you’re making a quick trip to Neopia Central to restock that elusive stamp missing from your album. Just hope they don’t try to start a video call while you’re out!

     3) Who doesn’t love Slorgs? While their slime trails might be charming and eccentric, they do pose a problem for the stacks of paperwork you’ve brought home from the office. The last thing you want to do is waste your entire night squinting at reports, trying to make out the text under all the sticky residue. Data entry is annoying enough without any added complications! We suggest investing in some plastic sheet protectors ASAP. Make sure you don’t cheap out; you want these to be 100% waterproof and 100% Slorgproof!

     4) If you own a robot Petpet, it may be tempting to utilize their special skills to take care of some of your workload. After all, everyone knows that delegation is the key to happy employment. Unfortunately, we know from experience that sometimes, this can backfire. Letting your GX-4 Oscillabot take care of the bookkeeping for you might seem like a brilliant idea, but only until your boss notices that suddenly, all the expense reports are in binary code. Hope is not lost, dear reader! With the latest Virtupets vOS software update, all you need to do is recalibrate your Oscillabot’s programming and set them up with your trusty Scorchio Calculator or Babaacus, and before you know it, all those accounts will be reconciled to perfection. Your boss won’t have a clue!

     5) Having a hard time working while your Kadoatie cries for your attention? If you are lucky enough to own a Kadoatie, you know that they may be sensitive, adorable, and affectionate petpets, but all of those qualities also make them a high maintenance one too. Sometimes, even the best noise cancelling headphones just don’t cut it, and your neighbours are surely tired of hearing your feline friend through the walls, too. For the low, low price of three million Neopoints a pop, treat your Kad to a Purple Potato Aperitif, guaranteed to keep the neediest Kadoatie satisfied and quiet—for a minimum of 28 minutes at a time, that is. Gotta find something to spend those hard-earned Neopoints on, right?

     6) The more, the merrier might be true when it comes to owning petpets, but what happens when they won’t stop fighting in the background of your video calls? Your coworkers may think they’re cute when they pop up once or twice, but not if every call turns into Feepit VS Meepit, live from Neopian Wrestling Entertainment™ BattleMania™! Instead of resigning to breaking up a brawl in between slides, try sitting your furry friends down for a serious conversation and threatening to take them on a trip to the Cooking Pot! Nothing brings together two petpets more than the threat of being brought together on a permanent basis. And if your Noil and Pawkeet still don’t get along? Well, I hear that Noilkeets are actually affectionate and sweet little critters.

     7) Did a Ghosterkerchief follow you home one day and it hasn’t left since? As long as you don’t blow your nose on them, they’re a sweet and mostly harmless Petpet perfect for inexperienced owners. However, it isn’t uncommon for them or other ghostly petpets to haunt random objects. If your Petpet possessed your computer one too many times, no need to call MAGAX! Just send them to Grave Danger. There, they stay out of the house for an entire eight-hour shift, get plenty of exercise, and they won’t get scared by the cultists lurking in the catacombs. With a little bit of luck, they could even bring a rare stamp back home, so you can quit your job!

     8) Unless you live in Maraqua, you know that Baby Fireballs should come with a fire extinguisher for free with purchase. However, when you are in the middle of a meeting, it can be tricky to put out the flames in your home, in addition to contributing to the conversation. Despite all the Petpet training, your Baby Fireball still won’t stop shooting flames at you during your meetings? Simple solution! Try turning your camera off so your boss doesn’t have to see you extinguish your reports! That scorch mark? Definitely just a coffee stain.

     We hope our tips can help you achieve success in sharing space with a Petpet while working from home. Mastered all the tips and tricks to working from home with petpets around? Great! You're well on your way to doubling your take-home pay by multitasking as a petpetsitter at the same time. Just make sure you don't forget to take that robot Petpet to the garage in time!

     This article was sponsored by Petpet Supplies™! At Petpet Supplies™, you can get everything from a Hot Dog Petpet House to a Clawed Petpet Bath. Petpet Supplies™: If you want your Petpet to get ahead, it must be well equipped!™ Visit our location in the Neopian Bazaar between the Wizard Shop and the Merch Shop. Buy your Petpet Supplies™ today!


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