Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 197,075,226 Issue: 961 | 3rd day of Relaxing, Y24
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Continued Series

The Fate of Valeane

the final chapter!

by herdygerdy
The Return of Destiny

"The Enchanted Forest looked dull and sad, even more than usual. The eerie feeling of insecurity that made you move through the trees was gone. All was quiet, as if the allure of the ghosts had disappeared." collab with sportsagain and noelia_pets

by venused
Venture Capital: Road to the Neopets Stock Market

the penultimate chapter collaboration with myncithemonkey

by typlohisioh
Tyrannian Concert Hall Bands: An Origin Story

"M*YNCI is by far the most popular boy band around! But, how in the world did they get started?"

by honorrolle
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"Zix Defends Neopia" by __doctor
Zix the blue Aisha ran up the grey steps of the Defenders of Neopia HQ, a Simple Snowflake Cape fastened around her neck trailing behind her. At the top of the steps, Zix made sure her Holiday Thief Mask was fastened securely around her eyes in order to keep her true identity a secret. Zix had always wanted to be a hero and thus she sought to join the ranks of the Defenders of Neopia and prove her heroism in the Battledome.

Other Stories


"As Milo and Gif'n walked up to the first hole of Tyrannian Mini Golf, Gif'n watched empathetically as he saw the smile slowly fade from his best friend’s face."

by notooryous


The Quest
"Rainclouds filled the sky at the Neopian marketplace. It hadn’t started raining yet, but there was no visible sunlight. Instead, there was a grey overcast making it a rather gloomy day outside."

by catapult1718


Top Ten Kougra Colours
"...I'm counting down my top ten Kougra colours. I will be dissecting my own opinions, breaking them down, and exploring why I feel the way I do about these colours."

by unlaced_


An Interview With Neopia's Largest Shop Owner!
"Using your shop is the way many Neopians sell their items that they get from restocking, dailies, site events, and more. So, we thought: how do the biggest and best shops work? Find out with this exclusive interview from the owner of Neopet’s largest shop - Neopia’s own - 5tar!" collab with Collab with: coconut_rat and corrina404; interviewed 5tar

by theguy2020


What to wear?
It's so much easier when you don't have to choose!

by maryannyks


Decision Time
Which team are we choosing???

by darkonek

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