Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 197,101,763 Issue: 963 | 1st day of Swimming, Y24
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Logging back into Neopets..#2

by hotredfirefaerie

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Bad Idea, Dude: Pranks
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The Grey Reporter: Crazed Neopians Flock to Dump
"Following reports of treasure at the Rubbish Dump, thousands of Neopians hoping to strike it rich have descended on the dump. While most left smelly, pockets full of gravel and old croutons, others claim to have found petpets, bottled faeries, paint brushes, and even the fabled dung catapult. Is there truth to these claims? If so, can the average Neopian hope to find success?"

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That's one way to win at Cellblock...

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