Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 197,101,763 Issue: 963 | 1st day of Swimming, Y24
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Is This How Training Works?

by conveyance

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Interview With Imperial Exam Students
"Stutters, sweating, and salty tears. This scene isn’t your typical workout, nor is it the Coffee Cave during the morning rush. We’re in Shenkuu outside the Imperial Exam, where these young Neopians are lining up for a test that could change their lives forever."

by groundedcoffee


Some Wacky Ways To Improve The Altador Cup!
"The Altador Cup is in full swing as I’m writing this article, and the players are grinding away at the games! We’re playing Yooyuball, slinging slushies, making tons of noise, and shooting Yooyus past Jelly Chia goalies!"

by indulgences


The Space Faerie Rocks!
Calm down, Space Faerie...

by emmakrakoka


Usuki Gum!
Brought to you by Team Kreludor's Qlydae Wegg!

by pikapi20

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