White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 197,188,405 Issue: 971 | 21st day of Collecting, Y24
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A Hero's Journey: It Takes Two
"They said that Mordred was a disgruntled noble who turned to a life of crime, targeting other nobles and raiding the area closest to Meridell Castle. Supposedly he used to be Lord Mordecai, a royal Shoyru, before reinventing himself as a stealthy Shoyru..." Thumbnail by twillieblossom

by precious_katuch14


The State of Lost Desert Archeology
"It’s been nearly 100 years since the discovery of the tomb of Coltzan II, which was found by an expedition out of Sakhmet long before the Lost Desert was known to the rest of Neopia..."

by purplehopper


PAH? Shuffle? Wondertrade?.... Your guide to PC!
"Have you been over to the Neopian Pound Neoboard lately? It is consistently one of the fastest-moving and most popular hangout spots in Neoboard land. While always a great destination..."

by vivajocares


Crafting Art Gallery Ideas
15 tips for making and improving AG ideas.

by t0tor0

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