Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 197,205,082 Issue: 972 | 4th day of Storing, Y24
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Not As Smart As You Think You Are (Happy Halloween!)

by preksolanx

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The Pumpkin Carving Contest
And now to crown our scariest pumpkin...

by madfathers


The Neopian Zodiac: An Overview
"As you traverse the world of Neopia together, you build unbreakable bonds. However, even the most synchronous of Neopets and Neopians can sometimes have difficulties. To help you and your Neopets understand each other, I am providing my astrological insight!"

by kaitlinhoneybee


Fun Size Terrors
Oooh, so scary!!

by queen_potema


Spooky anagrams
Can you solve these Spooky Anagrams?

by isabelleke49

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