Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 197,281,224 Issue: 976 | 10th day of Awakening, Y25
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Will Crabula Reach His Ship

by safemoon

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The Neopian’s Guide to Wild Swimming
A guide to the best places to splash, paddle and bathe in the waters of Neopia.

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A Regional Guide to Marine Petpets
"Considering the vastness of Neopia’s rivers, seas, and lakes, it should come as no surprise that the aquatic life of Neopia is just as varied as the terrestrial life above!"

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Attempting the Kelp Avatar
"Hey, does anyone want to eat right now?"

by lunensis


The Fervor
"All of my signs pointed me here, to a dusty old inn on the outskirts of Krawk Island..."

by sarah_jackie

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