Love of the Sea by kougra_luver246
Kaluhe loved the sea. Ever since she was a tiny Gelert pup and was introduced to the ocean one summer day, she always felt drawn to it. Almost every day, because she and her family lived so close to the shore, the spotted, Blue tri-colour Gelert would wake up before sunrise and head straight for the beach. The sun rising above the ocean waves turned the sea a bright orangey-red, glittering with each wave crash and seafoam gathered at Kaluhe's paws at the shore. Kaluhe could play at the beach all day. She'd race along the shore, dodging the incoming tides as they gently glided in and then softly receded out. Crabby and Crabula rested in the tide pools, though they tended to scurry away as Kaluhe peered in at them. It was hard to make friends with someone who got scared very easily, she figured. She'd collect seashells that looked rare and exquisite, adding them to her collection in her bedroom at home. She kept quite a few jars of them and lit them up with twinkling lights to act as a nightlight while she slept. She wished she could always live at the beach. She once tried digging a pit that she could rest in during the blazing heat of the afternoon, but she was in for a surprise when the high tide rolled in and flooded her out. It had been worth a try at least! Her favourite pastime though, before she was required to be home before dark, was to watch the sun set beyond the quiet gentle sea, and watch in the distance as the pods of Delfin jump in and out as they swam to wherever they were headed. Kaluhe wondered where they went, and wished she could find out. But her owner was quick to remind Kaluhe the hidden dangers the ocean could have. The riptides were the biggest danger of them all. Currents that would take you far out to sea, and make it impossible to return to land. It was a warning Kaluhe took to heart and respected, but she dreamt at night during her sleep of being able to swim freely with the Delfin at sunset. One day, as Kaluhe arrived at the beach at her usual time, there was something different waiting for her. Laying pitifully on the shore, as water lapped at it before going back out to sea, was a pink Delfin. Kaluhe had never seen a pink one before! It was the most beautiful creature she'd ever seen up close, but also the saddest. The Pink Delfin was sobbing. "I am supposed to be out at sea with my family! I swum too far away from them though and got brought in by the tide. I cannot get back out to them and I'm scared I will shrivel up in the sun!" she wailed. Kaluhe nudged her reassuringly. "I will help you back out to sea! I can carry you as far as I need to," Kaluhe vowed and carefully picked up the Delfin and stepped into the waves. Kaluhe swam, making sure to hold the Delfin close to her so she didn't get swept away again by the waves back to shore. She had always been a good swimmer, but as it got deeper and deeper, she wondered how far was too far. Still, she persisted, paddling through each lull and jumping over each swell as she swam further and further out. "This should be good right here! Thank you Miss Gelert!" the Delfin clapped excitedly. Kaluhe let her go and the Delfin leaped for joy. "I shall find my family from here!" and the little Delfin disappeared underneath an incoming wave, off to find her loved ones. Kaluhe smiled as she trod in the water. The salt stung her eyes a little, and occasionally water got in her short ears, but the water was great. It was warm like a bath, and as the waves rose and fell, it felt like she was one with the sea. But it was time to head back now so Kaluhe began to paddle away. However, she felt a current underneath her towing as she swam. A riptide! This wasn't good, she thought. She began to panic swim, trying to escape the rip current with all her might! But the swim out this far already tired Kaluhe out, and no matter how hard she tried, she felt herself being dragged out further and further. The shoreline shrank from view as Kaluhe was pulled out to sea. The waves were much fiercer as Kaluhe struggled to get back to shore. No longer was she able to keep up with jumping each wave, they were rising and crashing too fast for her to keep up. A swell was so strong it knocked her underneath and she took in water. She quickly popped her head back out and coughed for air, expelling as much seawater as she could out of her lungs. But wave after wave kept colliding down on her, and she soon could not stay above water. Underneath, Kaluhe could see nothing. The water was too murky. She was spent from all the swimming, ready to give up and let the ocean claim her for itself. Darkness began to take over her vision even more, but she could faintly see a glow still. The glow started small then gradually grew in size as it came closer to the drowning Gelert. The glow embraced Kaluhe and suddenly she could breathe properly again! She coughed and coughed, grateful for air. But how was it possible she could be breathing underwater? The glow she realized was actually a Water Faerie, who hugged her close. She had gorgeous blonde hair streaked with blue as well and the tail of a Peophin, which allowed her to swim as gracefully as them. "Young Gelert, I met the Pink Delfin you rescued, and she could see you were in trouble. By herself she could not help, so she pleaded for my help. One who would risk her life for another, all while knowing the dangers of the sea, is a remarkable feat of bravery and love," the faerie explained. She petted Kaluhe, the latter wagged her tail happily. "For your bravery and love of the ocean, I shall bless you with a special gift." There was a glow from the faerie's hand as she rested it on Kaluhe's head. Kaluhe was a little scared, but she had read about Water Faeries and their magic, and knew she would be safe. She felt her ears grow longer, her rear and back legs began to transform into a tail fluke and orange gills sprouted across her body. The faerie let go of her embrace of the Gelert and Kaluhe was shocked to discover she could still breathe while underwater! She looked herself over, swimming in circles as free and swift as the creatures who lived here naturally their entire lives. She had become one of them! The Water Faerie had changed her into a Maraquan Gelert! Kaluhe looked closer at this Water Faerie, and could see a marking of a water drop on the faerie's forehead. This was no ordinary Water Faerie she determined. This one had incredible magic, one that could give a pet the ability to change forms. "Thank you, my dear Faerie! I will be able to swim back to shore now though, as that is where I still belong," Kaluhe explained, a little sad that despite her new form allowing her to be in the ocean as much as she wanted, she still loved her home on land. The faerie smiled warmly. "You will always be able to come back to the ocean and transform as you please. When you go back to land, you will return to your old form," the faerie reassured and Kaluhe lit up with joy! She hugged the miraculous Water Faerie and left for the shore. As promised, once Kaluhe stepped out of the ocean waves, she transformed back to her old self. She shook off the saltwater and looked back out to sea. She could see the Pink Delfin she saved wave to her. "I'll see you tomorrow!" Kaluhe yelled out, and the Delfin leapt for joy before disappearing once more into the sea below. The sun was setting, and the ocean began to grow quiet. Kaluhe was certain there would be more adventures to come, now with her new gift allowing her the freedom to explore the ocean to her heart's content. The End.