Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 197,348,726 Issue: 978 | 10th day of Running, Y25
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Too Tasty

by alymarcas

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Detective Autoire's Greatest Case
"One day, I was shaking the hand of Leila Xendrik as she thanked me for returning a prized heirloom..."

by snokapfox


All's Wool That Ends Wooll
"Gnorbu wool is known to be the softest and warmest in Neopia, so if you're lucky enough to get a bagful of their wool, and you're feeling crafty, watch some how-to videos on VirtupetsTube and knit something!"

by chrisy_chan


The R.S. Caroosel : Part 2/5
"Join us for a card game?"

by keng200


The Farmer and the King
"Once upon a time in the merry land of Meridell, on one of its many farms, lived a family..."

by nick_and_nickette

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