Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 197,410,267 Issue: 980 | 7th day of Eating, Y25
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Illusen's Quest

by rurirawr


Illusen dreaded the idea of meeting Jhudora. They hadn't seen each other for so long that she had no clue how the Dark Faerie was like now. However, judging by the plethora of stories she'd heard, her enemy seemed to have retained most of her cold and cruel personality from her childhood days. If the Bori were to be embroiled in one of Jhudora's schemes, Illusen was almost certain she'd never forgive her for crossing the line.

      "I shiver to think of what Jhudora could have in store for us if it really is her doing," Psellia muttered, rubbing her upper arms with her hands as if she was cold.

      Illusen sighed. "Knowing her, it won't be anything pleasant, that's for sure."

      "But what could she possibly want with a young Neopet? You don't think she's going to—"

      We'll just have to brace ourselves for it," Illusen interrupted, not wanting to hear the rest of the Air Faerie's thoughts. She was terrified. She didn't want to imagine what Jhudora could do to the Bori. "C'mon, let's go."

      "Wait!" The Air Faerie grabbed her wrist before she could leave the ground. "Let me recast the speed enchantment." She whispered a word under her breath and Illusen suddenly felt lighter and more nimble. "Now we're ready. Let's go!"

      The journey to Faerieland was speedy. What would have been a three-hour trip on cart took less than ten minutes for the Faeries via flight. It was difficult to make out the buildings in the dark, but after a while, they noticed the unmistakable gloomy castle that sat atop a promontory just on the outskirts of Faerie City, its dark purple turrets a stark contrast to the pinks that made up the rest of Faerieland. The Earth Faerie was momentarily reminded of why she left her homeland for Meridell. She had never regretted her choice; she'd rather set up residence in a peaceful area away from Faerieland and live out the rest of her days blissful and carefree, than be situated beside her foe and constantly watch her nefarious dealings that were masked under the guise of daily quests.

      Illusen and Psellia landed just outside the entrance to Jhudora's Bluff. The Earth Faerie was about to knock on the double doors, but Psellia summoned a gust of air in her palms and directed it at the doors, forcing them open instead. Usually, she would advise anyone against being discourteous, but she didn't care in this instance. She zipped in and found Jhudora waiting for her at the main hall, lounging comfortably on her throne. Psellia followed behind shortly after.

      "Long time no see." Jhudora grinned wickedly, but her eyes showed no mirth. "Wha-"

      "Where's the Bori?" Illusen cut her off, getting straight to the point.

      Jhudora clicked her tongue. "That's no way to greet a former friend, is it? Why don't we-"

      "Where. Is. The. Bori."

      Sensing Illusen's no-nonsense attitude, the Dark Faerie dropped her facade as she slowly rose up from her seat. "I knew the kid would come in handy," she remarked before snapping her fingers. The air beside her shimmered and distorted to form a live preview of a Pink Bori trapped within a cage made of dark magic, its neon green bars flickering occasionally as they shifted. The Neopet looked uneasy as she watched the Bartamus hopping around, guarding her. Fortunately, she didn't seem to be injured.

      "Let her go!" Illusen and Psellia uttered simultaneously; the Earth Faerie had growled whereas the Air Faerie had exclaimed.

      "I don't think so," Jhudora sneered. "Not until you do something for me."

      Illusen felt her patience dwindle rapidly as she clenched her hands into fists. She wasn't here to play games or entertain anyone. It was completely unnecessary to involve innocent Neopians to one-up each other in their never-ending rivalry.

      "What do you want?" Psellia voiced out when Illusen remained silent.

      "It's none of your business," Jhudora snapped and glared at her, but considered it a moment later and said, "well, if you want to help, I won't stop you. But I want you—" she turned her attention to Illusen and pointed a sharp fingernail at her, "—to do it."

      Illusen still wouldn't budge, so Psellia continued the conversation. "What do you want us to do?"

      "One of my Bartamus is missing in Shadowglen Woods," Jhudora answered. "Since you know the forests so well, Illusen, I want you to retrieve it for me."

      "What's it doing there in the first place?" Illusen finally spoke, eyebrows furrowed in suspicion. Shadowglen Woods was an extremely dangerous territory. Even though she had set up a band of the most talented archers to protect Lightwater Forest, she had always cautioned them not to venture too deep into the neighbouring Woods, where ferocious monsters lurked. Did Jhudora have a plan to carry out what the Darkest Faerie had failed to do in the Woods many years back?

      Ignoring her question, Jhudora clicked her fingers again and an ornate handheld mirror materialized in front of Illusen. "A teleportation mirror. I bewitched it. Look into it and say the name of the place you want to go to aloud and it'll take you there. Get the Bartamus back as soon as you can."

      As much as the Earth Faerie detested her enemy and wished she could disregard her, the Bori's safety was of the utmost importance. She'd have to give in to Jhudora's demands if she wanted to reunite the Bori with her family and friends, who must be worried sick by now, as soon as possible. There wasn't much else Illusen could do, so she took the mirror and made a mental note to inform the Faerie Queen of her conjectures after the Bori's rescue mission was accomplished.

      "I'll come with you," Psellia offered, but Illusen turned her down.

      "Shadowglen Woods is too dangerous, Psellia. Even I am not too familiar with that part of the forest." Illusen then turned to look at the Bori, who had laid on her side on the floor and was trying hard not to doze off. "Please stay here and watch after the Bori. Make sure she's safe while I'm gone."

      The Air Faerie nodded. "Be careful out there, 'Lusey."

      "I will." She gave her a reassuring smile, then brought the mirror up to her face and looked at her reflection. "Lightwater Forest," she announced clearly.

      Illusen barely just caught the look of Jhudora's indignant surprise (she probably thought that she was headed directly for Shadowglen Woods) before she was swallowed up by the darkness. The next thing she knew, she was surrounded by trees, facing a cloaked Brown Moehog who had just run up to her with a bow and arrow at the ready.

      "Illusen, what are you doing here?" the Moehog questioned, puzzled.

      "Ah, Timaris. Just who I needed to see."

      "What's going on?"

      The Earth Faerie told the leader of the archers about her predicament, then shared her plan for finding the Bartamus. The Moehog nodded in understanding.

      "I'll gather the rest of the archers to help," Timaris said, but Illusen shook her head.

      "I don't want to get everyone involved. It's too risky."

      "What? Then you're going to venture into Shadowglen Woods alone? I won't allow that!" Timaris exclaimed.

      "I don't think I can do it alone, so I'm requesting your help, Timaris," Illusen said, "but I think one archer should suffice. The rest should continue patrolling here and keep an eye out for the Bartamus in case he makes his way to Lightwater Forest."

      "I understand. I'll inform them." Timaris pulled out a whistle from an inside pocket of her cloak and blew on it. Within a few minutes, the other rangers started to appear from different directions and circled around her. "Listen up!" she called out once she noted the attendance of around a dozen archers, then proceeded to inform them about Illusen's ordeal before assigning each and every one of them to a specific post.

     "I can follow you two to the forest," one of the archers suggested, but Timaris declined his offer.

     "More of us might only mean more trouble, since we don't know what's lurking in Shadowglen Woods," the Moehog stated. "It's better if we cover the entire scope of the forest. That way, the Bartamus won't be able to escape even if it tried."

     "Roger!" the archer saluted. "What supplies do you need? I can go and pack them up for you."

     "I'll need more arrows, plus a compass, a first-aid kit, a flashlight, a couple of knives," Timaris replied as she counted the items off in her head. "Oh, and some water and a bunch of bananas as well.”

     “Bananas?” the Earth Faerie asked, curious.

     The Moehog rubbed the nape of her neck, smiling sheepishly. “Um, yeah. Just in case.”

      The archer hurried off and came back ten minutes later with a bulging rucksack and quiver full of arrows for Timaris, which she hoisted onto each shoulder.

     Illusen frowned slightly. “Are you sure the bag won't be too heavy? Can you carry it?”

      “Oh, this won’t be a problem!” Timaris grinned and hoisted the rucksack on her shoulder again to prove her point. "Okay, head to your positions, everyone! I'll see you guys in a bit!"

     A collective chorus of well-wishes filled the silent night before the archers headed back into Lightwater Forest. Illusen then held the Moehog's hoof and looked into the mirror once more. “Alright then. I guess we’re set.” She took a deep breath before uttering "Shadowglen Woods” and the both of them vanished into thin air.

To be continued…

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