The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 197,477,540 Issue: 984 | 2nd day of Relaxing, Y25
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A Royal Blunder

by kuroneko_kitty

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Take A Break With Queen Fyora
Have you taken a break today? Collab with hansy900

by prulletje1852


Reign in Style: Fyora’s Best Tips on How to Rule
"Who runs the world? Girls, obviously. But have you ever wondered what it takes to be a real queen?"

by iwonder


Top 10 Fyora Essentials For Your Neohome
"Are you Team Fyora or Team Jhudora? For the sake of this issue (sorry, Jhudora, maybe next time!), let us just say Team Fyora. She is grace, she is beauty, she is royalty."

by sleepiestkitty


A View from the Tower
What a beautiful view...

by spinellihoopla

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