Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 197,477,540 Issue: 984 | 2nd day of Relaxing, Y25
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Short Stories

Celestial Harmony: The Tale of Stars and Neggs

"n the enchanting realm of Neopia, where mystical creatures roamed and the very air crackled with enchantment, the Negg Faerie named Kari observed a disturbing anomaly in the night sky..." Collab with ryan100495

by _snails_pace_
Fyora, Queen of… Rubbish?

"Meri Acres Farm is a quaint little farm on the outskirts of Meridell. Many travellers and natives frequent this spot in Neopia for its charming aspects."

by surging
What Has Fyora Ever Done For Us?

"Large purple and gold banners adorned the ornate black gates at the entrance, and the tree branches sagged beneath miles upon miles of purple bunting, each little triangle embroidered neatly with the Faerie Queen’s name."

by spaghetti_bear
Faerie Queen, Faerie Knight

"A blaze of pink and lilac light emanated from the Southwest Tower of Faerie Palace, and for a moment, all fighting around the palace ground to a halt as Aethia looked up at the rose-colored beacon. Then she spoke the words she couldn’t believe she was finally speaking, words she had waited to speak for quite a while."

by precious_katuch14
The Life of a Queen

"Fyora’s long purple hair swirled with grace as she spun around to try and take in the scene before her..."

by metakitsune
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Departments' Top 10 Fyora Picks for 2023

Heading out to shop for Fyora Day but don't know what to buy? In this article, I, Fyora the Faerie Queen, will talk and walk you through the top 10 Fyora items that I have personally picked for 2023. Being the Faerie Queen, I feel like I have to give some kind of introduction before I list the 10 items. So, the introduction first and then the 10 items. You may be wondering if this is totally necessary. Yes, this is totally necessary because if I don't give an introduction... this article will be too short and won't make it into the Neopian Times due to the shortage in word and character count. Ahem... right, on with the introduction now! Stores and shops are there for a reason. To sell. They try to answer the public's needs by selling their products. You help them by purchasing and they help you by selling. What's needed by someone may not be needed by another. You're probably wondering what I am talking about and where I am going with this. I am the Faerie Queen, the ruler of Faerieland. I am known as the kind faerie who's believed to be the most powerful being in all of Neopia. My duty is to keep everything under control, not just in Faerieland, but the whole world of Neopia. If you're out shopping and are unsure of what to buy in a specific department, do not worry because I got you covered! I will save you and everyone from the stress of not knowing what to buy.

Other Stories


Insider Scoop: Queen Fyora's Daily Morning Routine
"Howdy, my name is Chaeldar and I run the Neopian Times Tabloids around here. I know what you're thinking, tabloids are always honest and entertaining! And that's all very true. Everything we put in our tabloids is only the truth."

by chaeldar


Top 10 Fyora Essentials For Your Neohome
"Are you Team Fyora or Team Jhudora? For the sake of this issue (sorry, Jhudora, maybe next time!), let us just say Team Fyora. She is grace, she is beauty, she is royalty."

by sleepiestkitty


Mae's Mysteries: The Case of the Missing Necklace
"Jovron and Tadriel attempted to get Mae to elaborate on her outburst, but they were out of luck..."

by satintiger


A Corsair Among the Stars
"Standing before Korzara was everything that she had ever feared..."

by zennistrad


Life Improvised: Like A Fyora Tale
Fyora says the new kid is the best of all time.

by keng200


Blossoms~ Meeting Part 4
You hear back from Fyora yet?

by twillieblossom

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